Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/69

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TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 74. 1846. 43 On goods, wares, and merchandise, mentioned in schedule H, a duty of _/ive per centum ad valorem. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, from and after the first day Schedule I,d¤· of December next, the goods, wares, and merchandise, mentioned in V f'°°· schedule I, shall be exempt from duty. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That, from and after the first 20percentduday of December next, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on Q; ‘;l.£*P°"‘° all goods, wares, and merchandise, imported from foreign countries, vsaxgiii nmand not specially provided for in this act, a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That in all cases in which the GMS W l}¤ invoice or entry shall not contain the weight, or quantity, or measure, ;§g,l:d;,:'_§; of goods, wares, or merchandise, now weighed, or measured, or gauged, the expense of the same shall be weighed, gauged, or measured, at the expense of the °“’“°'· "°· owner, agent, or consignee. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That from and after the first day _ Dmwbaek in of December next, in lieu of the bounty heretofore authorized by law l‘f‘{d‘;l;,l’g*‘§**Y °** to be paid on the exportation of pickled fish of the fisheries of the Pc S ` United States, there shall be allowed, on the exportation thereof; if cured with foreign salt, a drawback equal in amount to the duty paid on the salt, and no more, to be ascertained under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That all goods, wares, and mer- G°°dS,&,,_,m_ chandise, imported after the passage of this act, and which may be in ggndi ¤€T<·>r-luly the public stores on the second day of December next, shall be subject °n’2Q"gef :;*1*; to no other duty upon the entry thereof than if the same were imported subject mi BHQ8 respectively after that day. d:::‘d :;*.w*_*` $1***; Sec. 7. And be itfurtlwr enacted, That the twelfth section of the SW a act entitled "An Act to provide Revenue from Imports, and to change Actm"l842, ch. and modify existing Laws imposing Duties on Imports, and for other 270: ***°dm°d· Purposes," approved August thirty, eighteen hundred and forty-two, shall be, and the same is hereby, so far modified, that all goods im— Post, p. 53. ported from this side the Cape of Good Hope or Cape Horn may remain in the public‘stpres for the space of one year instead of the term of sixty days prescribed in the said section; and that all goods imported from beyond the Cape of Good Hope or Cape Horn may remain in the public stores one year instead of the term of ninety days prescribed in the said section. Srzc. 8. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the owner, consignee, or agent, of imports which have been actually pur— s.g]‘;:”°i.° 2:* chased, on entry of the same, to make such addition in the entry to pI3m, actual]; the cost or value given in the invoice, as, in his opinion, may raise the P¤¤¢l¤¤S¤d_._ may same to the true market value of such imports in the principal {?,;k§nwQ:°ge2? markets of the country whence the importation shall have been made, tam eases. or in which the goods imported shall have been originally manufactured or produced, as the case may be; and to add thereto all costs and charges which, under existing laws, would form part of the true value at the port where the same may be entered, upon which the duties should be assessed. And it shall he the duty of the collector, conrecmr to within whose district the same may be imported or entered, to cause a,“*° ,1*5*** the dutiable value of such imports to be appraised, estimated, and ,,0,,,, ,:2, lz: ascertained, in accordance with the provisions of existing laws; and prmed. and to if the appraised value thereof shall exceed 'by ten per centum or more the value so declared on the entry, then, in addition to the duties certain casa. imposed by law on the same, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem on such appraised value: Provided, nevertheless, That under no circumstances shall the p,0v;,0_ duty be assessed upon an amount less than the invoice value, any law of Congress to the contrary notwithstanding. `