Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/734

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684 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 11, 12, 14. 1847 persons whomsoever, except that a bona fide assignee of the invention, by virtue of an assignment from the patentee heretofore made, shall have the benefit of this act upon just, reasonable, and equitable terms, according to his interest therein. And if the said Thomas Blanchard, his executor or administrators, cannot agree with such assignee, the terms shall be ascertained and determined by the Circuit Court of the- United States for the district in which such assignee resides, to be decreed upon a bill to be filed by such assignee for that purpose: And provided, further, That no assignee shall have the benefit of this act unless he shall, within ninety days from the date of its passage, agree with the said Thomas Blanchard, his executors or administrators, as to the consideration upon which he is to have it, or tile his bill in the circuit court aforesaid, in order that the amount to be paid therefor, and the terms of such payment, may be decreed in conformity with the intent and meaning of this act: Provided, That the rights of the United States to use said invention, obtained by assignment or contract with said Blanchard, shall be and are hereby reserved to the same extent as they would have been if this act had not been passed. Approved, February 15, 1847. Feb_ 18, ]g47_ CHAP. XI.--.8n Act to extend the Time for selling the Lands granted to the -———-—· Kentucky Asylum for teaching the Deaf and Dumb. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ry' the m£hgmv;“}fg;$; United States of America in Congress assembled, That the further mowed yo, $,,1]. time of five years, from and after the expiration of that time hereto- Lag tim i¤—¤d¤ fore allowed, be, and the same is hereby, allowed and permitted the ,,$’§:gf]’f;n§Tu?,’f,t; trustees of the Centre College of Kentucky, who are also trustees of Asylum for the the Kentucky Asylum for teaching the Deaf and Dumb, to sell the D°“f““d Dumb- lands heretofore granted said asylum, and confirmed to said trustees for the use of said asylum by acts of Congress heretofore passed: P¤>ViS¤ Provided, That the provisions of this act shall not extend to any lands, heretofore granted, lying in the State of Arkansas. Approved, February 18, 1847. Feb. 18, 1847. CHAP. XII. —An Act for the Relief of Thomas Brownell. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the mE};g’€;Sg;g;'E United States of America in Congress assembled, That the name of on me my of Thomas Brownell be placed upon the roll of navy pensioners, and ¤¤*y P¤¤¤i¤§¤¤¤¤r that he be paid ten dollars a month, commencing on the first day of lag g?";.?; October, eighteen hundred and forty, for disability incurred by him per month. · while in the discharge of his duty as master on board the Lawrence, under command of Commodore Perry, in the year eighteen hundred and thirteen; the payment of said pension' to be subject to the provisions of the second section of an act passed August sixteenth, eigh- 1841,ch.8· teen hundred and forty-one, entitled "An Act for the Payment of Navy Pensions." Approved, February 18, 1847. Feb. 20, 1847. CHAP. XIV. —-An Jletfor the Relig" of Joshua Shaw. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 0,-T$$a§°g°°¥ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary amine the claim of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to examine the