Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/740

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690 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ch. 44. 1847. tor :g3,000, see., eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and cost of protest, three thousand X3: l Q5 three hundred and twenty-one dollars and twenty-five cents. . 1?°'¤°°?%*#3¤<?° For one acceptance in favor of Edwin Porter, dated twenty-fourth li»`(,,1;$I§,,,,dwp5,l April, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, at ninety days, for ten thou- April]1835, for sand dollars, with interest to tenth October, eighteen hundred and glgrgrw °‘°‘¤ thirty-seven, and cost of protest, eleven thousand three hundred and ’fifty dollars, and eight cents. b FM overdraft For overdraft of Edmund F. Brown, agent for disbursing the con- Blicfgmund F' gngent furirdhgf the Post-Oliice Department, six hundred and eleven ollars an -two cents. Auaimfor the And that this auditor of the treasury for the Post-Oliice Depart- Pa‘;;;g§°°t0 ET ment be, and he is hereby, directed to allow a corresponding credit row a cm-,-es. to the said treasurer for the amounts so to be charged in his account P¤¤di¤; ¢¤=di¤ for the service of the said department. mma h°”"m' Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the amount of the said five acceptances of the said department, for which it was adjudged by the said Circuit and Supreme Courts that the United States were gab? in law, and for whichlit appelpred po sirvicel lzzd been rpndlerépd t e sa1 contractors to the said e ar men , an e amoun o ie oierdraft of said agent, in respect tr; a fund not chargeable to the N£°“¤E1*° if revenues of said department, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and

 ° he is hereby, directed to reimburse and pay to the said treasurer less

the said sum of three thousand three hundred and seventy-one dollars and ninety-four cents, directed to be aid by the first section of this act, in order that the said amount may? be replaced to his credit in the proper depository for the service of the Post-Oiiice Department, and that the said sums, so to be paid to the said bank and reimbursed to the Treasurer of the United States, be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Amwnfs of Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said auditor of the

   treasury for the Post-Otiice Department be, and he is hereby, dicontractolis. T80f8d to Cl'1al'g€ the amOl1H£S of the said RCC8pt3i1C8S to lll1B C01llZl'3C-

tors, respectively, in whose favor they were severally given; and that the comptroller of the treasurer be, and he is hereby, directed to 0vAm°“¤*t0 gg charge the amount of the said overdraft to the said agent for disburchuged ,0 Sm sing the contingent fund of the Post—OfHce Department. agent. Approved, March 2, 1847. Much 2, IB47- Cru?. XLIV. -—An dc! canjirming the Claim of the Heirs and legal Represen- ';"‘ tatives of Pierre Dufresne to a Tract of Land. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives if the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the claim of CMP °*` hg” the heirs and legal representatives of Pierre Dufresne to a tract of gi,,,!:!:,,"; t,,,`; land situate on the Bayou Siard, in the State of Louisiana, contain- ¤f land confirm- ing six acres in front, with a depth of forty acres, bounded on the °d' west by the lands of Francis Duval, be, and the same is hereby, con- Pi-aviso. firmed: Provided, That the said confirmation shall amount only to a relinquishment of all the right and claim of the United States to the Proviso. said tract of land : And provided, also, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect the claim or claims of any individual or individuals, or of any body politic or corporate. Approved, March 2, 1847.