Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/8

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viii LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS Grant of Lands to Iowa—JV'a·¤igatian nf the Des Moines River. An act, granting certain lands to the Territory of Iowa, to aid in the improvement of the nuvigzmon of the Des Moines River, in said Tcrritory. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 103. . . . .. . . . . . . . . 77 District Court of Alabama. An uct, to regulate writs of error and appeals from the District Court of the United States for tho Middle DistrictofA1nbama. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 104. 78 Jurisdiction of Complaints by Foreign Consuls, Qc. An act more cffcctually to provide for the enforcement of certain provisions in the treaties of the United States. Aug. 8, 1846,ch.105 . .. .. . .. ... .. 78 Surveyors- General of Land. An act to equalize the compensation of the surveyors-general of the public lands of the United States, and for other purposes. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 106. 79 Certified Copies of the Journals of Congress made Evidence. An act making copies of papers certified by the secretary of the Senate or clerk of the House of Representatives legal evidence. Aug. 8, 1846, oh. 107 .. .. . . . ... ... . 80 Claims under Convention with Peru. An act to carry into effect the convention between the United States and the Republic of Peru, concluded at Lima, the seventeenth duy of March, eighteen hundred and forty-one. Aug. B, 1846, ch. 108. ... . .. 80 Land District in Iowa established. An act to establish an additional land district in Iowa, Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 109 ... . . . .. . 82 Sala of unclaimed Goods at Custom-Houses. An act to amend the act approvetl second April, eighteen hundred und forty-four, entitled ‘* An act directing the disposition oficertam unclaimed goods, wares, or merchandise, seized for being illegally imported into the United States." Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 110... . . . . . . 82 Purchase of .Mi::’s Manger-Stopper. An not to enable the Secretary of the Navy to purchase the right of using Mix’s patent manger-stopper. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 169 . 82 Internal Improvements. An act to grant u certain quantity of land to aid in the improvement of the Fox and `Wisconsin Rivers, and to connect the same by a canal, in the Territory of Wisconsin. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 170 .. . .. 83 Rzfunding of Duties. An not to refund to certain persons an excess of duty exacted on the importation of foreign merchandise. Aug. 8, 1846, ch. 174 . ... 84 General Appropriation Bill for the Year 1846-7. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of government, for the year ending the thirtieth day of Juno, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, and for other purposes. Aug. 10, 1846, ch. 175 . ... . . 85 Navy Appropriation Bill for 1846-7. An act making appropriations for the naval service, for the year ending on the thirtioth June, eighteen hundred and forty-seven. Aug. 10, 1846, ch. 176 ... ... . . . . ... 97 Navy Pensions, Appropriation Bill for 1846 -7. An act making appropriations for the pay- ment of navy pensions, for the year ending thirtieth June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-scvc¤. Aug. 10, 1846, ch. 177 . . .. 1.01 Smithsonian Institution. An act to establish the ** Smithsonian Institution" for the increase and difusion of knowledge among men. Aug. 10, 1846, ch. 1.78 . ... . . 102 Claims of Alabama. An act authorizing the payment of certain claims of the State of Alabama. Aug. 10, 1846, cli. 179.. . . .. . .. .. . ... . . 106 Payment of purloined Treasury Notes. An act to provide for the payment of the evidences of public debt in certain cases. Aug. 10, 1846, ch. 180. ... 106 JOINT RESOLUTIONS. 1. Texas admitted into the Union. Joint resolution for the admission of the State of Texas into the Union. Doc. 29, 1845... ... . . .. . .. . . . . 108 2. Annual Estimates. Joint resolution relative to the printing and distribution of the annual estimates. Jan. 7, 1846... .. ... . .. . . .. 108 3. Books to be presented to the Minister of Justice of France. A resolution to authorize the transmission and presentation of books to the minister of justice of France, in exchange for books received from him. March 4, 1846 . . . . . . . . . . 109 4. Notice to abrogate Convention with Great Britain respecting Oregon. Joint resolution concerning the Oregon Territory. April 27, 1846 . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . 109 5 Clerical Error in engrossing a Bill corrected. Joint resolution to correct u. clerical error. May 15, 1846 . . .. .. . .. . . . . ... 110 6. Mail Service in Texas. A resolution providing for temporary mail service in Texas. May 20, 1846.. .. .. ... . .. , .. .110