Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/843

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rus. 9, 13, 21 1849. 793 astronomical and scientific observations in connection with the objects *° °°t°h °f umm . . . . . certain extra of the late surveying and exploring expendition, to allow him and each pay of them, respectively, such extra pay as was allowed by the act of one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, chapter one hundred, to the officers attached to that expedition. Approved, February 26, 1849. [N0. 9.] — Joint Resolution concerning the Settlement of the Accounts of William Feb. 26, 1849. Speiden, Purser in the Navy of the United States. ji Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the accounting officers Accounting ofof the treasury, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, §°“i§fS;l;f1;’§?g be, and they are hereby, authorized to settle the accounts of Wil- ggggupts and liam Speiden, purser in the navy of the United States, and to credit ciédii him vit]; him with such portion of the amount of the provisions, clothing, small ;u2ha;g$;§0,g, stores, and money, and such other things as belong appropriately to clothing, stores, the custody of the purser’s department, with which he stands charged $§;‘fgé,vf1?€B·,;; on the books of the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, as they shall be mss of the U, s, satisfied was inevitably lost with the loss of the United States vessel V°S$°lP°¤°°°k· Peacock, at the mouth of the Columbia River, in eighteen hundred and forty-one; and that he be fully exonerated, by such credit, from all liability on account of the provisions, clothing, small stores, money, and any other articles with which he stands charged, proved to have been lost on board said vessel. APPROVED, February 26, 1849. [No. 13.]- .0 Resolution to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to make an ,March 2, 1849. . equitable Settlement with the Sureties of Robert T. Lytle, late Surveyor- General ""'*‘_"" of the District of Ohio. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the thseciemy of · · · e Treasury to Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to make an equitable mak, an 8,,,,,,. settlement with the sureties of Robert T. Lytle, late Surveyor-Gen- ble settlement eral of the district of Ohio, as he shall, under the circumstances, deem §thI§h§$“f‘;,l§‘f,s just, and on their paying such sum as after said settlement may be due gm,’ to discharge said sureties from further liability, or on securing to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury such balance, to give such further time for the payment of the same as he may deem advisable. Approved, March 2, 1849. [N0. 21.] -.4 Resolution respecting the Claims of .8. S. dr A. W. Benson. March 3: 1849- Resohed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Accounts ofA. Navy be, and is hereby, authorized to adjust and settle, upon princi- §(;f‘,f,7];·di3‘°‘;j . . . . · . JUS ples of equity and justice, the claims of A. S. &. A. W. Benson, arising an and semen out of contracts made with the Navy Department for the transportation uym} £>Fi¤°iPi°; of naval stores to the Pacific. 2q11d`;,? we an Approved, March 3, 1849. Vox.. IX. P1uv.——- 19