Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/87

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TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 90. 1846. 61 faction of the solicitor of the treasury; and shall, from time to time, renew, strengthen, and increase, their otheial bonds as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct, any law in reference to any of the official bonds of any of the said officers to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the secret"-, or Secretary of the Treasury, at as early a day as possible after the pas- T’F”;‘h"Y *° Q sage of this act, to require from the several depositaries hereby consti- 2:,:; $,,°°v°§,_,_ tuted, and whose official bonds are not hereinbefore provided for, to riestogiveusnds, execute bonds, new and suitable in their terms, to meet the new and 6** increased duties imposed upon them respectively by this act, and with sureties and in sums such as shall seem reasonable and safe to the solicitor of the treasury; and from time to time to require such bonds Such bond, to be renewed Bild lf1C-l’C8S€d lll 8lIl0I1l1lL, Bild Sl.l'€1'1gl.ll€HCd HEW may be renewed, sureties, to meet any increasing responsibility which may grow out of §*’°¤€‘h§¤°d»“d accumulations of money in the hands of the depositary, or out of any m°ms° ' other duty or responsibility arising under this or any other law of Congress. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That all collectors and receivers Colle,,,,, ,,,,1 of public money, of every character and description, within the District receivers of the of Columbia, shall, as frequently as they may be directed by the Score- lgggllc °'f,‘2;‘°l' tary of the Treasury, or the Postmaster-General so to do, pay over to same, and to the treasurer of the United States, at the treasury, all public moneys Wh°m· collected by them, or in their hands; that all such collectors and receivers of public moneys within the cities of Philadelphia and New Orleans shall, upon the same direction, pay over to the treasurers of the mints in their respective cities, at the said mints, all public moneys collected by them, or in their hands; and that all such collectors and receivers of public moneys within the cities of New York, Boston, Charleston, and St. Louis, shall, upon the same direction, pay over to the assistant treasurers in their respective cities, at their offices, respectively, all the public moneys collected by them, or in their hands, to be safely kept by the said respective depositaries until otherwise disposed of according to law ; and it shall be the duty of the said Secretary and Searcy_.,,,, 0; Postmaster-General respectively to direct such payments by the said the Tr¢M¤ry_¤¤d collectors and receivers at all the said places, at least as often as once ;$tm'f:°'é;,;’;`, in each week, and as much more frequently, in all cases, as they in such payments. their discretion may think proper. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of Secretary of the Treasury to transfer the moneys in the hands of any ;;‘;°:“’Ymm$;°r; depositary hereby constituted to the treasury of the United States, to er the public be there safely kept, to the credit of the treasurer of the United ¤”·°¤¤>’S- States, according to the provisions of this act; and also to transfer moneys in the hands of any one depositary constituted by this act to any other depositary constituted by the same, at his discretion, and as the safety of the public moneys, and the convenience of the public ser- The P¤¤i¤¤¤¤- vice, shall seem to him to require; which authority to transfer the :f,:gi‘:,°Q?m;; moneys belonging to the post·office department is also hereby con- trmrem ofmonferred upon the Postmaster·General, so far as its exercise by him may {fs :::°,;‘fg‘"¥d'° be consistent with the provisions of existing laws; and every deposi- p:.,l;,,,,,,,_ C8 °' tary constituted by this act shall keep his account of the money paid Depvsitariestv to or deposited with him, belonging to the post·office department, §f;l°n°&P;3fuan"g separate and distinct from the account kept by him of other public of the moneys or moneys so paid or deposited. And for the purpose of payments on the "‘°F°°*‘;’m°° d°· public account, it shall be lawful for the treasurer of the United States Paipiyii:n,}e,S“,e, to draw upon any of the said depositaries, as he may think most condu- my 4¤W <>¤ MY cive to the public interest, or to the convenience of the public creditors, d°5‘;;;°;{;,ieS to or both. And each depositary sodrawn upon shall make returns to the make rerun-is to treasury and post-office departments of all moneys received and paid "’° ‘“?“'"Y “"d post-ofiice departments.