Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/906

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354 TREATY WI'1‘H THE POTTOWAUTOMIES. June 5 Ann 17, 1846. n°'f*;:f\°Rf_f=Q'l3(*; it being understood that these oessions are not to affect the title of

   plaégtdgdrans to any grants or reservations made to them by former

TEBGIVKUODS. ARTICLE IH. Consideration In consideration of the foregoing cessions, or sales of land to the 2° lim PW W U- United States, it is agreed to pay to said tribes of Indians the sum of °‘ °t°°S“°°' eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars, subject to the conditions, deductions, and liabilities, provided for in the subsequent articles of ` this treaty. Anrrcnn IV. Grant by the The United States agree to grant to the said united tribes of Indians, ,5% iu3ft: possession and title to a tract or parcel of land containing five hundred Indians, and seventy-six thousand acres, being thirty miles square, and being the eastern part of the lands ceded to the United States by the Kansas tribe of Indians, by treaty concluded on the 14th day of January, and AIM: P- 22- ratified on the filieenth of April of the present year, lying adjoining the Shawnees on the south, and the Delawares and Shawnees on the east, on both sides of the Kansas River, and to guarantee the full and complete possession of the same to the Pottowautomie nation, parties Consideration to this treaty, as their land and home forever; for which they are to gid tig pay the United States the sum of eighty-seven thousand dollars, to be gi-ima deducted from the gross sum promised to them in the 3d article of this treaty. Arvrrcnm V. 'U*°,dUi fg *° The United States agree to pay said nation of Indians, at the first

 0:, °l:,i- annuity payment after the ratification of this treaty, and after an apsuni granted in propriation shall have been made by Congress, the sum of nfty thou-

3:d”,E;(_°fh‘f,T;;"h,fr‘f sand dollars, out of the aggregate sum granted in the third article of pose. P this treaty, to enable said Indians to arrange their affairs, and pay their just debts, before leaving their present homes; to pay for their improvements; to purchase wagons, horses, and other means of transportation, and pay individuals for the loss of property necessarily sacrificed in moving to their new homes; said sum to be paid, in open council, by the proper agents of the United States, and in such just proportions to each band as the President of the United States may direct. Arzrrcrm VI. Said Vibes *° The said tribes of Indians agree to remove to their new homes, on {:,[3,;° t°w,¥§; the Kansas River, within two years from the ratification of this treaty; two years nom and further agree to set apart the sum of twenty thousand dollars to

“;£°‘“°“ °f the upper bands, (being ten dollars per head,) and ten thousand dol-

)?. . lars to the lower bands, (being five dollars per head,) to pay the Provision for actual expenses of removing; and the sum of forty thousand dollars ¤P°£¤°° d°*` rg; for all the bands, as subsistence money, for the first twelve months

 °° after their arrival at their new homes; to be paid to them so soon as

their arrival at their new homes is made known to the government, and convenient arrangements can be made to pay the same between the parties to this treaty; the aforesaid sums to be also deducted from the aggregate sum granted by the United States to said tribes of Indians by the 3d article of this treaty. ARTICLE VII. $850B0‘g3“j: The balance of the said sum of eight hundred fifty thousand dolm,,;,,’wm, U_g_, lars, alter deducting the cost of removal and subsistence, &.c., it is {M ¤'¤=¤ ¥'¤¤<L ¤¢ agreed shall remain with the United States, in trust for said Indians,

§°°° °f 5 Y" and an interest of five per cent. annually paid thereon, commencing

at the expiration of one year after the removal of said Indians, and