Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/95

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TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 95. 1846. 69 such posts as may be occupied during the year, and gun-houses for the protection of the cannon at the several posts and military works, including the necessary tools and materials for the objects enumerated, and for the authorized furniture of the barrack-rooms of non-commissioned officers and soldiers; building and repairing stables for dragoons and light artillery; for rent of quarters for officers, barracks for troops at posts where there are no public buildings for their accommodation, and of store-houses for the safe-keeping of subsistence, clothing, Src., and of grounds for summer cantonments and encampments for military purposes; — one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. _ For transportation of officers’ baggage, when travelling on duty °,,T;?;‘:;’¤Yf*“g;‘;l without troops, fifty thousand dollars. _ For transportation of troops and supplies of the army, including the gudhnnsporurion baggage of troops when moving either by land or water; frsights and ;€PPj}`:;’l’°&_c_°°d ferriages; the purchase or hire of horses, mules, oxen, carts, wagons, ' and boats, for the transportation of supplies, and for garrison purposes; drayage and cartage at the several posts; hire of teamsters; transportation of funds for the pay department; the expense of sailing public transports between the posts on the Gulf of Mexico, and of procuring water at such posts as from their situation require it; of clothing from the depot at Philadelphia to the stations of the troops; of subsistence from the places of purchase and from the places of delivery, under contracts, to such places as the circumstances of the service may require it to be sent; of ordnance, ordnance stores, and small arms, from the foundries and armories to the arsenals, fortihcations, and frontier posts; —two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For contingencies of the army, six thousand dollars. cnnggngnnniu, For the purchase of -ordnance, ordnance stores, and supplies, one Ordnance, and hundred thousand dollars. °'d”“°° "°’“· For current expenses of the ordnance service, one hundred- thou- Current an. sand dollars. PWS88- For manufacture of arms at the national armories, three hundred Manufacture oi thousand dollars. °“”· For repairs and improvements, and new machinery, at Spring- Repairs &c.,at field armory, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Sp"“g6°ld· And the sum of five thousand dollars, out of the appropriation made $5,009, out of for the said objects by the act approved March third, eighteen hun- 3Q1mm" cf dred and forty-five, is declared to have been intended for the purchase ssmncinnndinbn of the lots adjoining the armory ground, as expressed in the estimates, *`°* P¤_¤il¤9¤¤ ¤f to which purpose it has been applied. And of the sum allowed by xgqgiggjggg the said act to be applied to repairs—at the national armories, such ' amount as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be necessary, not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, may be applied to the purchase of land from individuals and from the town of Springfield, Massaclljusetts, and the assent of Congress is hereby given to such purc asa. For repairs and improvements, and new machinery, at Harper’s Repairs, &c.,at Ferry armory, one hundred and twenty-eight thousand three hundred H"P“"° F°¤7- and sixty-one dollars. For arsenals, one hundred and sixty-eight thousand five hundred Arseuals. and ninety-three dollars, of which twelve thousand five hundred dollars are authorized to be applied to the purchase of a site and build- arsenal at ing a magazine for Washington arsenal. w”h"°gt°°‘ For purchase of saltpetre and brimstone, forty thousand dollars. _Sa1tP¤¤·e and For the purchase of gunpowder, one hundred thousand dollars. bngsypgzder For expenses of preparing drawings of a uniform system of artillery, A,,m,,, d,,;,, one thousand dollars. ings. For expenses of the mineral land service, including those incurred Miuenl land SBYVICC.