Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/983

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territory, against its own citizens.

torios suyos ó contra sus propios ciudadanos.

Inhabitants of the United States not to purchase any Mexicans, &c., captured by Indians, nor to purchase horses, mules, &c., stolen by them within Mexican territory. It shall not be lawful, under any pretext whatever, for any inhabitant of the United States to purchase or acquire any Mexican, or any foreigner residing in Mexico, who may have been captured by Indians inhabiting the territory of either of the two republics, nor to purchase or acquire horses, mules, cattle, or property of any kind, stolen within Mexican territory by such Indians.

A ningun habitante de los Estados Unidos será lícito, bajo ningun pretesto, comprar ó adquirir cautivo alguno, Mexicano ó extrangero, residente en México, apresado por los Indios habitantes en territorio de cualquiera de las dos repúblicas, ni los caballos, mulas, ganados, ó cualquiera otro género de cosas que hayan robado dentro del territorio Mexicano.

Persons captured in Mexican territory and carried into the territory of the United States to be rescued and returned to their country. And in the event of any person or persons, captured within Mexican territory by Indians, being carried into the territory of the United States, the government of the latter engages and binds itself, in the most solemn manner, so soon as it shall know of such captives being within its territory, and shall be able so to do, through the faithful exercise of its influence and power, to rescue them and return them to their country, or deliver them to the agent or representative of the Mexican government. The Mexican authorities will, as far as practicable, give to the government of the United States notice of such captures; and its agent shall pay the expenses incurred in the maintenance and transmission of the rescued captives; who, in the mean time, shall be treated with the utmost hospitality by the American authorities at the place where they may be. But if the government of the United States, before receiving such notice from Mexico, should obtain intelligence, through any other channel, of the existence of Mexican captives within its territory, it will proceed forthwith to effect their release and delivery to the Mexican agent, as above stipulated.

Y en caso de que cualquier persona ó personas cautivadas por los Indios dentro del territorio Mexicano sean llevadas al territorio de los Estados Unidos, el gobierno de dichos Estados Unidos se compromete y liga de la manera mas solemne, en cuanto le sea posible, á rescatarlas, y á restituirlas á su pais, ó entregarlas al agente ó representante del gobierno Mexicano; haciendo todo esto, tan luego como sepa que los dichos cautivos se hallan dentro de su territorio, y empleando al efecto el leal ejercicio de su influencia y poder. Las autoridades Mexicanas darán á las de los Estados Unidos, segun sea practicable, una noticia de tales cautivos; y el agente Mexicano pagará los gastos erogados en el mantenimiento y remision de los que se rescaten, los cuales entre tanto serán tratados con la mayor hospitalidad por las autoridades Americanas del lugar en que se encuentren. Mas si el gobierno de los Estados Unidos antes de recibir aviso de México, tuviére noticia por cualquiera otro conducto de existir en su territorio cautivos Mexicanos, procederá desde luego á verificar su rescate y entrega al agente Mexicano, segun queda convenido.

Government of the United States to pass such laws as may be necessary to give effect to the foregoing stipulations. For the purpose of giving to these stipulations the fullest possible efficacy, thereby affording the security and redress demanded by their true spirit and intent, the government of the United States will now and hereafter pass, without unnecessary delay, and always vigilantly enforce, such

Con el objeto de dar á estas estipulaciones la mayor fuerza posible, y afianzar al mismo tiempo la seguridad y las reparaciones que exige el verdadero espiritu é intencion con que se han ajustado, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos dictará sin inútiles delaciones, ahora y en lo de adelante, las leyes