PUBLIC LAW 94-413—SEPT. 17, 1976
90 STAT. 1263
carry out the project and to achieve the purposes of this Act. Such assistance may include transfer of personnel with their consent and without prejudice to their position and rating. SEC. 6. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. The Administrator, acting through appropriate agencies and con- 15 USC 2505. tractors, shall initiate and provide for the conduct of research and development in areas related to electric and hybrid vehicles, including— (1) energy storage technology, including batteries and their potential for convenient recharging; (2) vehicle control systems and overall design for energy conservation, including the use of regenerative braking; (3) urban design and traffic management to promote maximum transportation-related energy conservation and minimum transportation-related degradation of the environment; and (4) vehicle design which emphasizes durability, length of practical lifetime, ease of repair, and interohangeability and replaceability of parts. SEC. 7. DEMONSTRATIONS. (a) Within 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Data Administrator shall develop data characterizing the present state-of- development. the-art with respect to electric and hybrid vehicles. The data so devel- 15 USC 2506. oped shall serve as baseline data to be utilized in order (1) to compare improvements in electric and hybrid vehicle technologies; (2) to assist in establishing the performance standards under subsection (b)(1); and (3) to otherwise assist in carrying out the purposes of this section. In developing any such data, the Administrator shall purchase or Vehicles, lease a reasonable number of such vehicles or enter into such other purchase or lease. arrangements as the Administrator deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this subsection. (b)(1) Within 15 months after the date of enactment of this Act, Performance the Administrator shall promulgate rules establishing performance standards, rules. standards for electric and hybrid vehicles to be purchased or leased pursuant to subsection (c)(1). The standards so developed shall take into account the factors of energy conservation, urban traffic characteristics, patterns of use for "second" vehicles, consumer preferences, maintenance needs, battery recharging characteristics, agricultural requirements, materials demand and their ability to be recycled, vehicle safety and insurability, cost, and other relevant considerations, as such factors and considerations particularly apply to or affect vehicles with electric or hybrid propulsion systems. Such standards are to be developed taking into account (A) the best current state-of-the-art, and (B) reasonable estimates as to the future state-of-the-art, based on projections of results from the research and development conducted under section 6. In developing such standards, the Administrator shall consultation. consult with appropriate experts concerning design needs for electric and hybrid vehicles which are compatible with long-range urban planning, traffic management, and vehicle safety. (2) Separate performance standards shall be established under para- Performance graph (1) with respect to (A) electric or hybrid vehicles for personal standards. use, and (B) commercial electric or hybrid vehicles. Such performance standards shall represent the minimum level of performance which is required with respect to any vehicles purchased or leased pursuant to subsection (c). Initial performance standards under paragraph (b)(1) shall be set at such levels as the Administrator determines are neces-