Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/1383

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-425—SEPT. 28, 1976

90 STAT. 1333

Public Law 94-425 94th Congress An Act To provide for acciuisition of lands in connection with the international Tijuana River flood control project, and for other purposes. Be it, enacted by the tienate and House of RepresentatircH of the United t^tates of America in Congress assembled. That section 2 of Public Law 89-640 (80 Stat. 884) is amended by striking out section 2 in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the following new section: ' ' S K ( \ 2. Pursuant to the agreement concluded under the authority of section 1 of this Act, the United States Commissioner is authorized to construct, operate, and maintain the portion of the 'International Flood Control Project, Tijuana River Basin,' assigned to the United States, and there is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State for use of the United States section the siAn of $10,800,000 for construction costs of such project, as modified, based on estimated June 1976 prices, plus or minus such amounts as may be justified by reason of price index fluctuations in costs involved therein, and such sums as may be necessary for its maintenance and operation, except that no funds may be appropriated under this Act for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 1977. Contingent upon the furnishing by the city of San Diego of its appropriate share of the funds for the acquisition of the land and interests therein needed to carry out the agreement between the United States and Mexico to construct such project, the Secretary of State, acting through the United States Commissioner, is further authorized to participate financially with non-Federal interests in the acquisition of said lands and interest therein, to the extent that funds provided by the city of San Diego are insufficient for this purpose.". Approved September 28, 1976.

LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORT No. 94-1399, Pt. 1 (Comm. on International Relations). SENATE REPORT No. 94-1237 (Comm. on Foreign Relations). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 122 (1976): Aug. 24, considered and passed House. Sept. 20, considered and passed Senate.

Sept. 28, 1976 [H.R. 14973] International Tijuana River flood control project.

22 USC


22 USC

277d-32. Appropriation authorization.