Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/1491

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-440—OCT. 1, 1976 not to exceed $17,808 per a n n u m; an Assistant Superintendent, Service Department at not to exceed $22,578 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $20,988 per a n n u m; a Night Supervisor, Service Department at not to exceed $19,875 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $15,264 per a n n u m; a Supervisor, P r i n t i n g Section at not to exceed $18,921 per annum in lieu of a For e m a n of Duplicating Department at not to exceed $17,808 per a n n u m; a Supervisor, F o l d i n g Section at not to exceed $18,921 per annum in lieu of a Chief Machine Operator at not to exceed $15,582 per a n n u m; a Supervisor, Addressograph Section at not to exceed $18,921 per annum in lieu of not to exceed ^14,628 per a n n u m; two Audio Engineers at not to exceed $13,356 per annum each in lieu of an Audio Engineer at not to exceed $13,356 per a n n u m; a Micrographics Supervisor at not to exceed $21,147 per a n n u m; an Assistant Micrograpiiics Supervisor at not to exceed $16,536 per a n n u m; a Secretary-Receptionist at not to exceed $10,812 per a n n u m; a Senior F o l d i n g Machine Operator at not to exceed $12,243 per a n n u m; a Senior Addressograph Operator at not to exceed 5pl2,^43 per a n n u m; twenty Laborers, Service Department at not to exceed $9,222 per annum each in lieu of seventeen Laborers, Service Department at not to exceed $9,222 per annum each; ten Office Systems Specialists at not to exceed $15,582 per annum each in lieu ox seven Office Systems Specialists at not to exceed $15,582 per annum each; ten Senior Program m e r Analysts at not to exceed $25,122 per annum each in lieu of eight Senior Program m e r Analysts at not to exceed $25,122 per annum each; three Network Technicians at not to exceed $20,352 per annum each in lieu of a Network Technician at not to exceed $20,352 per a n n u m; two Secretary-Typists at not to exceed $12,402 per annum each; three Systems Supervisors at not to exceed $29,892 per annum each in lieu of a Systems Supervisor at not to exceed $29,892 per a n n u m; an Operations Supervisor at not to exceed $20,988 per a n n u m; eight Lead Operators at not to exceed $14,628 per annum each in lieu of six Lead Operators at not to exceed $14,628 per annum each; two D a t a Conversion Operators at not to exceed $10,017 per annum each in lieu of a D a t a Conversion Operator at not to exceed $10,017 per a n n u m; a T r a i n i n g Specialist at not to exceed $20,034 per a n n u m; five P r i n t i n g Operators at not to excead $14,946 per annum each; three Quality Controllers at not to exceed $14,94J per annum each; three Assistant Chief Telephone Operators at not to exceed $13,356 per annum each anel an Auditor at not to exceed $13,356 per annum in lieu of four Assistant Chief Telephone Operators at not to exceed $13,356 per annum each; twenty-one Telephone Operators at not to exceeel $10,494 per annum each, a Secretary at not to exceed $10,494 per annum, four Clerks at not to exceed $10,494 per annum each, and an Auditor at not to exceed $10,494 per annum in lieu of twenty-seven Telephone Operators at not to exceed $10,494 per annum each; a Chief Barber at not to exceed $12,084 per annum in lieu of a Foreman of Skilled Laborers at not to exceed $12,084 per a n n u m; a Chief Barber at not to exceed $10,971 per a n n u m; two Barbers at not to exceed $11,130 per annum each in lieu of two Skilled Laborers at not to exceed $11,130 per annum eacii; three Barbers at not to exceeel $9,381 per annum each; forty-eight Laborers at not to exceeel $9,222 per annum each and a Barber Shop A t t e n d a n t at not to exceed $9,222 per annum in lieu of forty-nine Laborers at not to exceed $9,222 per annum each; a Barber Shop Attendant at not to exceed $4,134 per a n n u m; seven Detecti\ es. Police Force at not to exceed $14,946 per annum each in lieu of not to exceed $13,992 per annum each; sixteen Technicians, Police Force at not to

90 STAT. 1441
