Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/1533

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 9 4 - 4 4 4 — O C T. 1, 1976 merit of individuals under this Act may be expended in conjunction with funds from any other public or private source, but funds allocated under this Act may only be expended in accordance with the requirements of this Act.". (b) The heading of such section 704 is amended to read as follows:

90 STAT. 1483

29 USC 984.


SEC. 10. Section 311 of the Comjjrehensive Employment and T r a i n ing Act of 1973 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: " (e) The Secretary is authorized to undertake projects (either directly or by g r a n t or contract) for the purpose of demonstrating the feasibility of providing relocation assistance to unemployed workers residing in areas of substantial unemployment who would otherwise be eligible for public service employment under this Act. Such assistance shall be in such form and amount as the Secretary deems appropriate for demonstration purposes, except that he shall use as a general guideline the form and amount of relocation assistance available under chapter 2 of title II of the Trade Act of 1974.". SEC. 11. Section 704 of the Comprehensive Employment and T r a i n ing Act of 1973 (as amended by sections 3(b) and 9 of this Act) is further amended by a d d i n g at the end thereof the following new subsection: " (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, employment and t r a i n i n g services furnished under this Act in connection with weatherization projects authorized under section 222(a) (12) of the Economic O p p o r t u n i t y Act of 1964 may include work on such projects for the near poor, including families having incomes which do not exceed 125 per centum of the poverty line as established by section 625 of the Economic O p p o r t u n i t y Act of 1964.". SEC. 12, (a) Section 104(b) of the Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974 is amended by— (1) striking out "by this Act " after "amended"; and (2) inserting at the end of such subsection the following new sentence: "They shall also report to such committees on the same subjects not later than ninety days after the date of enactment of the Emergency Jobs Program s Extension Act of 1976.". (b) Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and T r a i n i n g Act of 1973 is amended by— (1) inserting at the end of section 1 0 5 (a)(3) the following " and (E) provides such arrangements as may be appropriate to promote maximum feasible use of apprenticeship or other on-job t r a i n i n g opportunities available under section 1787 of title 38, United States C o d e; "; and (2) striking out in section 106(b)(5) "provide special emphasis" and inserting in lieu thereof "take affirmative action". SEC. 13. (a)(1) The Congress finds and declares that — (A) the reliable and comprehensive measurement of employment and unemployment is vital to assessing the Nation's economic well-being and the utilization of its work force, and is an important determinant of public policies toward job creation, education, training, assistance for the jobless, and other labor market program s;

29 USC 881. Relocation assistance.

19 USC 2271. Ante, pp. 1476, 1482.

42 USC 2809. 42 USC 2971d. 38 USC 2002 note. Report to congressional committees.

29 USC 815.

29 USC 816. i 29 USC 952 note.