Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/1549

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-44«—OCT. 1, 1976

90 STAT. 1499

Public Law 94-448 94th Congress An Act To make the provisions of section 1331(e) of title 10, United States Code, retroactive to November 1, 1953.

Oct. 1, 1976 [S. 2090]

Be it enacted by the Seriate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the pur- Armed Forces, poses of survivor annuities under subchapter I of chapter 73 of title 10, ^^^i^^pPi*/;, United States Code, and under prior corresponding provisions of law, i"^^*^ l^^l the provisions of section 1331(e) of such title 10, relating to the date of JQ yg^- j ^ ^ ^ ^ entitlement to retired pay under chapter 67 of such title 10, shall be ^Q USC 1331. effective as of November 1, 1953. SEC. 2. No benefits shall be paid to any person for any period prior 10 USC 1331 to the date of enactment of this Act as a result of the enactment of note, this Act. Approved October 1, 1976.

LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 94-1436, Pt. I (Comm. on Armed Services) and No. 94-1436, Pt. II (Comm. on Appropriations). SENATE REPORT No. 94-560 (Comm. on Armed Services). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Vol. 121 (1975): Dec. 17, considered and passed Senate. Vol. 122 (1976): Sept. 20, considered and passed House.