Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/1582

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976



California—Continued Supplemental security income program, food stamp cashout status 1111 Tule elk herds population preservation 1189 Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians, lands in trust for 373 Twentynine Palms Park and Recreation District, land conveyance 327 United States attorney for the Central District, compensation 2427 Water resources development... 2919, 2921, 2923, 2929-2934 Wilderness areas 2515, 2635, 2692, 2693 California Desert Conservation Area Advisory Committee, establishment 2784 Cambodia: Assistance, prohibition of funds 776 Combat activities in or over, restriction on funds 175 Indochina Refugee Children Assistance Act of 1976 1225 Refugees in the United States, appropriation for assistance 1470 Campus Disrupters, denial of financial assistance 25, 961, 1102, 1297, 1436 Canada: Airport agreement with Minnesota, consent of Congress 769 Beef and veal, termination of limitation on importation from, proclamation 3071 Klondike Gold Rush International Historical Park, designation authorization 718, 719 U.S. grain transshipped through, inspection agreement; weighing agreement 2873, 2875 Whale conservation and protection, bilateral agreement 2492 Canada, International Boundary Commission, United States and, appropriation for 941 Canada, International Joint Commission, United States and. See International Joint Commission, United States and Canada. Canal Zone: Arms exports and imports, control 745 Canal Zone Government, appropriation for 635, 650, 1182 Panama Canal Company, appropriation for 1183 Canal Zone Code, Amendments, fdcoholic beverages, regulations 814 Canaveral National Seashore Advisory Commission, membership increase 1204 Cancer Control Month, 1976, proclamation 3085

Cancer Institute, National: Appropriation for 10, 1422 National Commission on Digestive Diseases, ex officio member 2651 Canyonlands National Park, Utah, acquisition ceiling increase 2732 Capital Planning Act of 1952, National, appropriation for effecting provisions 1062 Capital Planning Commission, National. See National Capital Planning Commission. Capital Transportation Act of 1969, National, appropriation for effecting provisions 1183 Capital Transportation Act of 1972, National, appropriation for effecting provisions 1184 Capitol Buildings and Grounds: Appropriation for 618, 630, 1453 Architect of the Capitol. See separate title. Flags, State, placement of flagpoles on Union Station Plaza, D.C 711 Historical documents, display 726 Murals in the House wing, design sketches and funds for 2377 Walking tour map of the United States Capitol, printing 3035 Capitol Guide Service, appropriation for 617 Capitol Police, appropriation for 1449 Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, acquisition ceiling increase 2732 Captive Nations Week, 1976, proclamation 3112 Carbonyl Chloride, disposal 292 Carpools, demonstration projects, expansion 445 Cattle: Beef Research and Information Act.... 529 Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921, amendments 1249 Cemeteries: Congressional Cemetery, historical section, maintenance 2373 Perpetual care funds, income tax., 2483 Twentynine Palms Park and Recreation District, Calif., land conveyance for Indian cemetery.. 327 Census, Bureau of the: Agriculture, irrigation, and drainage census 210 Appropriation for 622, 633, 648, 948 Employment and Unemployment Statistics, National Commission on, hearings, participation 1484 Mid-decade and decennial censuses 2461 Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West, appropriation for 942

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129.