Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/1619

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976




Hospitals—Continued Highways—Continued Saint Elizabeths Hospital, D.C., apRailroad highway crossings, demonpropriation for 13, 609, 1424, 1492 stration projects and authorization of funds 444, 452 Shriners' Hospitals for Crippled Rights-of-way, advance acquisition 436 Children, Utah, land conveySafer off-system roads 441 ance 2429 San Francisco Bay Area, Calif., use Soundproofing of, near airports, feaof toll receipts 445 sibility study 886 School bus driver training 453 William S. Middleton Memorial VetTraffic operations improvement proerans' Hospital, Wis., designagrams 439 tion 1301 Transition quarter authorization 426 Hours of Service Act, amendments 818 House of Representatives. See also Hispanic Heritage Week, National, Congress; Legislative Branch of the 1976, proclamation 3122 Government. Historic Preservation, Advisory CounAdjournment... 3022, 3028, 3033, 3037, cil on: Buildings of historic, architectural, or 3038, 3041 cultural significance, suitability Adjournment, sine die 3068 for public use 2506 Agriculture, Committee on— Establishment 1320 Reports to— Lincoln National Memorial, recogniAgriculture, Department of— tion of Alaska and Hawaii, Employee and dependents forreview 2632 eign language training and orientation 1500 Rail terminals with historical or arFarmer-to-Consumer Direct chitectural significance, converMarketing Act of 1976 1983 sion, consultation 125 National Forest System, land Historic Preservation Fund, establishacquisitions 2962 ment 1320 Beef Board, budgets 533 Historic Preservation Week, National, Federal Grain Inspection Ser1976, proclamation 3099 vice 2874, 2882, 2885, 2888 Home Loan Bank Act, Federal, approTestimony before. Agriculture, Depriation for effecting provisions 1108 partment of. Packers and Home Loan Bank Board, Federal, apStockyards Act of 1921, justifipropriation for 605, 643, 657, 1107 cation of budget estimates Home Owner's Loan Act of 1933: under 1252 Amendments 1078 Appropriation for 616, 630, 645, 1445 Appropriation for effecting proviAppropriations, Committee on, resions 1108 ports to— Home Purchase Assistance Act of Alaska hydroelectric power pro1974, Emergency, amendments 1075 jects, payment of certain conHomeowners' Relief Act, Emergency, struction costs, agreement 2947 amendments 1075 Army, Department of the, military Homesteading and Small Tracts, construction 1351 repeal of laws relating to 2787 Coast Guard, United States, PresiHoneybees, importation prohibition 709 dential protection expendiHonorable James A. Haley, portrait, tures 2476 presentation proceedings 3067 Comptroller General, Presidential Horse Protection Act Amendments of protection expenditures, 1976 915 audit 2477 Horse Protection Act of 1970, amendDefense, Department of. Presidenments 915 tial protection expenditures 2476 Horses, helicopters and motor vehicles for management of. 2775 Interior, Department of the, IndiHospitals: ana Dunes National Lakeshore 2531 Drug abusers, admission 245 Federal Housing Administration NASA, satellite services consupplemental loans 1070 tracts 680 Indian Health Service facilities, conPostal Service, budget 1303, 1304 struction and renovation 1406 Secret Service, United States, Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans' Presidential protection expenHospital, Calif., designation 284 ditures 2476 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129.