Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/1651

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976




President of the United States, Reports to—Continued Employment and Unemployment Statistics, National Commission on, recommendations Energy Information and Analysis, Office of, audit Energy Resources Council, national energy conservation activities Environmental Protection Agency, Toxic Substances Control Act Environmental Quality, Council on, Alaska natural gas, transportation system Federal Energy Administration, weatherization assistance program for dwellings of low income persons Federal Power Commission, Alaska natural gas, transportation system, recommendation 2904, Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of— Chemical substances, test methods, grants Health professions personnel, status Indian Health Care Improvement Act Lifelong learning Historic Preservation, Advisory Council on 1322, Intergovernmental Relations, Advisory Commission on, revenue sharing and federalism, study Interior, Department of— Congaree Swamp National Monument, S.C., lands within, suitability for preservation as wilderness Federal lands, certain withdrawals from sale, review Kalaupapa Settlement, Hawaii, suitability as unit of National Park System Olympic National Park, Wash., land exclusion, study and investigation Interstate Commerce Commission— Railroad rate bureaus Recyclable or recycled materials, discriminatory freight rates, investigation Labor, Department of— Bilingual vocational training Prepaid legal services benefits, continuation of income exclusion National Heart, Lung, and Blood Advisory Council, progress of program

1486 1137 1140 2050 2907

1158 2906

2049 2251 1413 2089 1323 2357

2518 2754 2448 2740 45 40 2206 1928 404


President of the United States, Reports to—Continued National Institute of Education, vocational education programs National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, drug abuse National Transportation Policy Study Commission, final Postal Service, Commission on, study President's Committee on Science and Technology Science and Technology Policy, Office of. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy Solid waste disposal... 2805, 2828, State, Department of, arms export control, study Transportation, Department of, conversion of railroad rights-ofway Treasury, Department of the— International Monetary Fund, operations of the fund Prepaid legal services benefits, continuation of income exclusion Solid waste recycling, tax incentives, study United States International Trade Commission, certain determinations Veterans Administration— Dependency and indemnity compensation program, study Nonservice-connected pension programs, investigation Vocational objective programs approved for veterans, study Women's Educational Programs, Advisory Council on President of the United States, Reports to for Transmittal to Congress: Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of^ Disease control programs Genetic diseases Health information and promotion Virgin Islands and Guam, proposed constitutions White House Conference on Balanced National Growth and Economic Development Presidential Debates, James E. Carter and Grerald R. Ford, printing of copies

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129.


2417 449 1309 470 465 670 2833, 2834 748 144 2661 1928 2698 1763 1377 1372 2387 2220

702 409 699 2900 2339 3067