Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/400

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 350 .


PUBLIC LAW 94-265—APR. 13, 1976

(5) The Secretary and the Secretary of State shall furnish each Council with relevant information concerning foreign fishing and international fishery agreements. (6) Each Council shall determine its organization, and prescribe its practices and procedures for carrying out its functions under this Act, in accordance with such uniform standards as are prescribed by the Secretary. Each Council shall publish and make available to the public a statement of its organization, practices, and procedures. (7) The Secretary shall pay— (A) the compensation and expenses provided for in subsection (d); (B) appropriate compensation to employees appointed under paragraph (1); (C) the amounts required for reimbursement of other Federal agencies under paragraphs (2) and (4); (D) the actual expenses of the members of the committees and panels established under subsection (g); and (E) such other costs as the Secretary determines are necessary to the performance of the functions of the Councils. (g) COMMITTEES AND P A N E L S. —

Fishery management P**"* Comments.

Public hearings.




(1) Each Council shall establish and maintain, and appoint the members of, a scientific and statistical committee to assist it in the development, collection, and evaluation of such statistical, biological, economic, social, and other scientific information as is relevant to such Council's development and amendment of any fishery management plan. (2) Each Council shall establish such other advisory panels as are necessary or appropriate to assist it in carrying out its functions under this Act. (h) FUNCTIONS.—Each Council shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Act— (1) prepare and submit to the Secretary a fishery management plan with respect to each fishery within its geographical area of authority and, from time to time, such amendments to each such plan as are necessary; (2) prepare comments on any application for foreign fishing transmitted to it under section 204(b)(4)(B), and any fishery management plan or amendment transmitted to it under section 304(c)(2); (3) conduct public hearings, at appropriate times and in appropriate locations in the geographical area concerned, so as to allow all interested persons an opportunity to be heard in the development of fishery management plans and amendments to such plans, and with respect to the administration and implementation of the provisions of this Act; (4) submit to the Secretary— (A) a report, before February 1 of each year, on the Council's activities during the immediately preceding calendar (B) such periodic reports as the Council deems appropriate, and (C) any other relevant report which may be requested by the Secretary; (5) review on a continuing basis, and revise as appropriate, the assessments and specifications made pursuant to section 303(a) (3) and (4) with respect to the optimum yield from, and the total allowable level of foreign fishing in, each fishery within its geographical area of authority; and