PUBLIC LAW 94-278—APR. 22, 1976
90 STAT. 409
"(3) provide for community representation where appropriate in the development and operation of vohmtary genetic testing or counseling programs funded by a grant or contract under this part; "(4) in the case of an applicant for a grant or contract under section 1101(a)(1) for the delivery of services, provide assurances siatisfactory to the Secretary that (A) the services for communitywide testing and counseling to be provided under the program for which the application is made (i) will take into consideration widely prevalent diseases with a genetic component and high-risk population groups in which certain genetic diseases occur, and (ii) where appropriate will be directed especially but not exclusively to persons who are entering their child-producing years, and (B) appropriate arrangements will be made to provide counseling to persons found to have a genetic disease and to persons found to carry a gene or chromosome which may cause a deleterious effect in their offspring; and "(5) establish fiscal control and fund accounting procedures as may be necessary to assure proper disbursement of and accounting of Federal funds paid to the applicant under this part. "(b) In making any grant or entering into any contract for testing and counseling programs under section 1101, the Secretary shall (1) take into account the number of persons to be served by the program supported by such grant or contract and the extent to which rapid and effective use will be made of funds under the grant or contract; and (2) give priority to programs operating in areas which the Secretary determines have the greatest number of persons who will benefit from and are in need of the services provided under such programs. "(c) In making grants and entering into contracts for any fiscal year under section 301 for projects described in section 1102 or under 42 USC 241. section 1101 the Secretary shall give special consideration to applications from entities that received grants from, or entered into contracts with, the Secretary for the preceding fiscal year for the conduct of comprehensive sickle cell center-s or sickle cell screening and education clinics. "PUBLIC HEALTH SER^^CE FACILITIES "SEC. 1105. The Secretary shall establish a program within the 42 USC 300b-4. Service to provide voluntary testing, diagnosis, counseling, and treatment of individuals respecting genetic diseases. Services under such program shall be made available through facilities of the Service to persons requesting such services, and the program shall proA^ide appropriate publicity of the availability and voluntary nature of such services. "REPORTS
"SEC. 1106. (a) The Secretary shall prepare and submit to the President for transmittal to the Congress on or before April 1 of each year a comprehensive report on the administration of this part. "(b) The report required by this section shall contain such recommendations for additional legislation as the Secretary deems necessary.". (b)(1) Section 1121(b)(5) is amended by striking out "ending June 30," each place it occurs. (2) Parts C and D are redesignated as parts B and C, respectively. (3) The heading of such title is amended to read as follows:
Report to President for transmittal to Congress. 42 USC 300b-5. 42 USC 300C-11. 42 USC SOOc-ll, 300C-21.