Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/515

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-282—MAY 11, 1976 recommendations for their elimination, reform, or updating as appropriate; (8) develop, review, revise, and recommend criteria for determining scientific and technological activities warranting Federal support, and recommend Federal policies designed to advance (A) the development and maintenance of broadly based scientific and technological capabilities, including human resources, at all levels of government, academia, and industry, and (B) the effective application of such capabilities to national needs; (9) assess and advise on policies for international cooperation in science and technology which will advance the national and international objectives of the United States; (10) identify and assess emerging and future areas in which science and technology can be used effectively in addressing national and international problems; (11) report at least once each year to the President on the overall activities and accomplishments of the Office, pursuant to section 209of this Act; (12) periodically survey the nature and needs of national science and technology policy and make recommendations to the President, for review and transmission to the Congress, for the timely and appropriate revision of such policy in accordance with section 102(a)(6) of this Act; and (13) perform such other duties and functions and make and furnish such studies and reports thereon, and recommendations with respect to matters of policy and legislation as the President may request. (b)(1) The Director shall establish an Intergovernmental Science, Engineering, and Technology Advisory Panel (hereinafter referred to as the "Panel"), whose purpose shall be to (A) identify and define civilian problems at State, regional, and local levels which science, engineering, and technology may assist in resolving or ameliorating; (B) recommend priorities for addressing such problems; and (C) advise and assist the Director in identifying and fostering policies to facilitate the transfer and utilization of research and development results so as to maximize their application to civilian needs. (2) The Panel shall be composed of (A) the Director of the Office, or his representative; (B) at least ten members representing the interests of the States, appointed by the Director of the Office after consultation with State officials; and (C) the Director of the National Science Foundation, or his representative. (3)(A) The Director of the Office, or his representative, shall serve as Chairman of the Panel. (B) The Panel shall perform such functions as the Chairman may prescribe, and shall meet at the call of the Chairman. (4) Each member of the Panel shall, while serving on business of the Panel, be entitled to receive compensation at a rate not to exceed the daily rate prescribed for GS-18 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5, United States Code, including traveltime, and, while so serving away from his home or regular place of business, he rnay be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence in the same manner as the expenses authorized by section 5703 (b) of title 5, United States Code, for persons in government service employed intermittently.

90 STAT. 465

Report to President.

Intergovernmental Science, Engineering, and Technology Advisory Panel. Establishment.




5 USC 5332 note.