Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/738

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 688

PUBLIC LAW 94-311—JUNE 16, 1976

Public Law 94-311 94th Congress


Joint Resolution June 16. 1976 [HJ. Res. 92]

Relating to the publication of economic and social statistics for Americans of Spanish origin or descent.

Whereas more than twelve million Americans identify themselves as being of Spanish-speaking background and trace their origin or descent from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish-speaking countries; and Whereas these Americans of Spanish origin or descent have made significant contributions to enrich American society and have served their Nation well in time of war and peace; and Whereas a large number of Americans of Spanish origin or descent suffer from racial, social, economic, and political discrimination and are denied the basic opportunities they deserve as American citizens and which would enable them to begin to lift themselves out of the poverty they now endure; and Whereas improved evaluation of the economic and social status of Americans of Spanish origin or descent will assist State and Federal Governments and private organizations in the accurate determination of the urgent and special needs of Americans of Spanish origin or descent; and Whereas the provision and commitment of State, Federal, and private resources can only occur when there is an accurate and precise assessment of need: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Americans of States of America in Congress assembled, That the Department of Spanish origin or Labor, in cooperation with the Department of Commerce, shall develop descent. methods for improving and expanding the collection, analysis, and Economic and publication of unemployment data relating to Americans of Spanish social statistics, origin or descent. publication. SEC. 2. The Department of Commerce, the Department of Labor, 29 USC 8. 15 USC 1516a. the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the Department of Agriculture shall each collect, and publish regularly, statistics which indicate the social, health, and economic condition of Americans of Spanish origin or descent. 15 USC 1516a SEC. 3. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget, in note. cooperation with the Secretary of Commerce and with the heads of other data-gathering Federal agencies, shall develop a Governmentwide program for the collection, analysis, and publication of data with respect to Americans of Spanish origin or descent. 13 USC 141 note. SEC. 4. The Department of Commerce, in cooperation with appropriate Federal, State and local agencies and various population study groups and experts, shall immediately undertake a study to determine what steps would be necessary for developing creditable estimates of undercounts of Americans of Spanish origin or descent in future censuses.

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