Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/1256

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 2724

PUBLIC LAW 94-575—OCT. 21, 1976

" (7) the term 'records management study' means an investigation and analysis of any Federal agency records, or records management practices or programs (whether manual or automated), with a view toward rendering findings and recommendations with respect thereto; " (8) the term 'inspection' means reviewing any Federal agency's i^'records or records management practices or programs with respect to eflFectiveness and compliance with records management laws and making necessary recommendations for correction or improvement of records management; "(9) the term 'servicing' means making available for use infori mation in records and other materials in the custody of the Administrator, or in a records center— " (A) by furnishing the records or other materials, or infor" = mation from them, or copies or reproductions thereof, to any Federal agency for official use, or to the public; or "(B) by making and furnishing authenticated or unau-thenticated copies or reproductions of the records or other materials; "(10) the term 'unauthenticated copies' means exact copies or reproductions of records or other materials that are not certified Ov:;; as such under seal and that need not be legally accepted as evidence; "(11) the term 'National Archives of the United States'means those official records which have been determined by the Archivist of the United States to have sufficient historical or other value to warrant their continued preservation by the Federal Government, and which have been accepted by the Administrator for deposit in his custody; "(12) the term 'Administrator' means the Administrator of General Services; "(13) the terms 'executive agency' and 'Federal agency' shall have the meanings given such terms by subsections (a) and (b), respectively, of section 3 of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 472 (a) and (b)). 44 USC 2902. "§ 2902. Objectives of records management "It is the purpose of this chapter, and chapters 21, 31, and 33 of this title, to require the establishment of standards and procedures to assure efficient and effective records management. Such records management standards and procedures shall seek to implement the following goals: "(1) Accurate and complete documentation of the policies and transactions of the Federal Government. "(2) Control of the quantity and quality of records produced by the Federal Government. "(3) Establishment and maintenance of mechanisms of control with respect to records creation in order to prevent the creation of unnecessary records and with respect to the effective and economical operations of an agency. "(4) Simplification of the activities, systems, and processes of records creation and of records maintenance and use. "f 5^ Judicious preservation and disposal of records. "[6) Direction of continuing attention on records from their initial creation to their final disposition, with particular emphasis on the prevention of unnecessary Federal paperwork.