'^: 90 STAT. 2900
Proposed constitutions, submittal to governors and President. 48 USC 1391 note. Transmittal to Congress. 48 USC 1391 note.
Submittal to voters.
PUBLIC LAW 94-584—OCT. 21, 1976 the constitutional conventions, unless he is a citizen of the United States and qualified to vote in the Virgin Islands and Guam, respectively. SEC. 4. The conventions shall submit to the Governor of the Virgin Islands a proposed constitution for the Virgin Islands and to the Governor of Guam a proposed constitution for Guam which shall comply with the requirements set forth in section 2(b) above. Such constitutions shall be submitted to the President of the United States by the Governors of the Virgin Islands and Guam. SEC. 5. Within sixty c^endar days after the respective date on which he has received each constitution, the President shall transmit such constitution together with his comments to the Congress. The constitution, in each case, shall be deemed to have been approved b^ the Congress within sixty days after its submission by the President, unless prior to that date the Congress has approved the constitution, or modified or amended it, in whole or in part, by joint resolution. As so approved or modified, the constitutions shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the Virgin Islands and Guam, respectively, for acceptance or rejection through islandwide referendums to be conducted as provided under the laws of the Virgin Islands and Guam, respectively, (enacted after the date of enactment of this Act). Upon approval by not less than a majority of the voters (counting only the affirmative or negative votes) participating in such referendums, the constitutions shall become effective in accordance with their terms. Approved October 21, 1976.
LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 94-507 and No. 94-507 pt. 2 (Comm. on Interior and Insular Affairs). SENATE REPORT No. 94-1033 (Comm. on Interior and Insular Affairs). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Vol. 121 (1975): Oct. 6, considered and passed House. Vol. 122 (1976): July 20, considered and passed Senate, amended. Sept. 22« House concurred in Senate amendment with an amendment. Oct. 1, Senate agreed to House amendment.