Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/1742

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976



President of the United States—ConPresident of the United States—Continued tinued Executive Office—Continued National Emergency Act 1255 Management and Budget, Office Naval vessels, sale approval, terms of. See separate title. and conditions 1938 President's Committee on Science Northern Mariana Islands Constituand Technology, establishtion, submittal to 265 ment 468 Presidential nominees, protection of spouses 1239 Procurement Policy, Office of, Public lands, withdrawal authority, solid waste disposal, recovered repeal 2792 materials. Federal procureRail passenger radio telephone serment policy 2823 vice 122 Science and Technology Policy, Rail Public Counsel, Office of, subOffice of See separate title. mittal of budget to 52 Telecommunications Policy, Office Reports to Congress. See under Conof, appropriation for 968 gress, Reports to. Trade Negotiations, Office of the White House Conference on Balanced Special Representative for, apNational Growth and Economic propriation for 632, 647, 958 Development, authorization to Wage and Price Stability, Council call 2339 on, appropriation for... 628, 631, 646, White House Conference on Handi967 capped Individuals, time extenEurope, Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in, sion 201 report to Commission on Security President of the United States, Reports to: and Cooperation in Europe 661 Agriculture, Department of— Foreign military credit sales, appropriation for 1469 Dutch elm disease, incidence and Former and President-elect, approcontrol methods, study 2963 priation for office staff, etc.... 974, 2380 Rincon Wilderness Study Area, Funds appropriated to— Ariz., review of suitability as a African Development Fund 1471 wilderness area 2695 Appalachian Regional DevelopWilderness areas, suitability ment programs 898 review 2635-2637 Asian Development Bank 778, 1471 Commerce, Department of— Federal Disaster Assistance AdDecennial census of population, ministration 1098 apportionment of RepresentaForeign assistance 602, 603, 771, 1465 tives in Congress 2461 Inter-American Development Fishery management plans 355 Bank 778, 1471 National sea grant program, Inter-American Foundation 775, 1468 annual evaluation 1968 International Development AssociOlympic Winter Games, 1980, ation 778, 1471 Lake Placid, N.Y 1338 International financial instituPopulation data used for Federal tions 603, 1471 benefit programs 2463 International military education Weather modification, study 2361 and training 1468 Community Services Administration, Military assistance 1468 weatherization assistance proOverseas Private Investment Corgram for dwellings of low poration 775, 1468 income persons 1158 Petroleum reserves 608, 1059 Copyright Royalty Tribunal 2598 Security supporting assistance 1467 District of Columbia, Temporary Guatemala Relief and Rehabilitation Commission on Financial OverAct of 1976 397 sight of the, balance sheet audit International Investment Survey Act results 1208 of 1976 2059 Drug Abuse Policy, Office of, activiInternational narcotics control, ties 244 study 764 Education, Office of, bilingual vocaInternational Petroleum Exposition, tional training 2206 Okla., participation, invitation Educational Research and Developauthorization 204 ment, Federal Council on 2230 Micronesian college, study 299 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 cuntains pages 1520-3129.