Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/657

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-482—OCT. 12, 1976

90 STAT. 2125

shall not be payable, or if paid shall be refundable, with respect to any period after default in the payment of principal or interest or after the borrower has died or becomes totally and permanently disabled, if (1) notice of such default or other event has been duly given, and (2) requests for payment of the loss insured against has been made or the Commissioner has made such payment on his own motion pursuant to section 430(a). "(d) The rights of an eligible lender arising under insurance evidenced by a certificate of insurance issued to it under this section may be assigned as security by such lender only to another eligible lender, and subject to regulation by the Commissioner. "(e) The consolidation of the obligations of two or more federally insured loans obtained by a student borrower in any fiscal year into a single obligation evidenced by a single instrument of indebtedness shall not affect the insurance by the United States. If the loans thus consolidated are covered by separate certificates of insurance issued under subsection (a), the Commissioner may upon surrender of the original certificates issue a new certificate of insurance in accordance with that subsection upon the consolidated obligation; if they are covered by a single comprehensive certificate issued under subsection (b), the Commissioner may amend that certificate accordingly. "DEFAULT OF STUDENT UNDER FEDERAL LOAN INSURANCE PROGRAM

"SEC. 430. (a) Upon default by the student borrower on any loan Notification to covered by Federal loan insurance pursuant to this part, and prior to Commissioner. the commencement of suit or other enforcement proceedings upon 20 USC 1080. security for that loan, the insurance beneficiary shall promptly notify the Commissioner, and the Commissioner shall if requested (at that time or after further collection efforts) by the beneficiary, or may on his own motion, if the insurance is still in effect, pay to the beneficiary the amount of the loss sustained by the insured upon that loan as soon as that amount has been determined. The 'amount of the loss' on any "Amount of the loan shall, for the purposes of this subsection and subsection (b), be loss." deemed to be an amount equal to the unpaid balance of the principal amount and interest accrued from the date of submission of a valid default claim (as determined by the Commissioner) to the date on which payment is authorized by the Commissioner, reduced to the extent required by section 425(b). Such beneficiary shall be required to meet the standards of due diligence in the collection of the loan. "(b) Upon payment of the amount of the loss pursuant to subsection (a), the United States shall be subrogated for all of the rights of the holder of the obligation upon the insured loan and shall be entitled to an assignment of the note or other evidence of the insured loan by the insurance beneficiary. If the net recovery made by the Commissioner on a loan after deduction of the cost of that recovery (including reasonable administrative costs) exceeds the amount of the loss, the excess shall be paid over to the insured. The Commissioner may, in attempting to make recovery on such loans, contract with private business concerns. State student loan insurance agencies, or State guaranty agencies, for payment for services rendered by such concerns or agencies in assisting the Commissioner in making such recovery. Any contract under this subsection entered into by the Commissioner shall provide that attempts to make recovery on such loans shall be fair and reasonable, and do not involve harassment, intimidation, false or misleading representations, or unnecessary communications concerning the existence of any such loan to persons other than the student borrower.

9-194 O—78—pt. 2