Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/710

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 2178

20 USC 1241 ^°^20 USC 1233c.

PUBLIC LAW 94-482—OCT. 12, 1976 vocational education among the various populations and the various areas of the State, except that— "(i) the State will use as the two most important factors in determining this distribution (I) in the case of local educational agencies, the relative financial ability of such agencies to provide the resources necessary to meet the need for vocational education in the areas they service and the relative number or concentration of low-income families or individuals within such agencies, and (II) in the case of other eligible recipients, the relative financial ability of such recipients to provide the resources necessary to initiate or maintain vocational education programs to meet the needs of their students and the relative number or concentration of students whom they serve whose education imposes higher than average costs, such as handicapped students, students from lowincome families, and students from families in which English is not the dominant language; and "(ii) the State will not allocate such funds among eligible recipients within the State on the basis of per capita enrollment or through matching of local expenditures on a uniform percentage basis, or deny funds to any recipient which is making a reasonable tax effort solely because such recipient is unable to pay the non-Federal share of the cost of new programs; "(6) that Federal funds made available under this Act will be so used as to supplement, and to the extent practicable, increase the amount of State and local funds that would in the absence of such Federal funds be made available for the uses specified in the Act, and in no case supplant such State or local funds; "(7) that the State will make provision for such fiscal control and fund accounting procedures as may be necessary to assure proper disbursement of, and accounting for. Federal funds paid to the State (including such funds paid by the State to eligible recipients under this Act); "(8) that funds received under this Act will not be used for any program of vocational education (except personnel training programs under section 135, renovation programs under subpart 4 of part B, and homemaking programs under subpart 5 of this part which cannot be demonstrated to prepare students tor employment, be necessary to prepare individuals for successful completion of such a program, or be of significant assistance to individuals enrolled in making an informed and meaningful occupational choice as an integral part of a program of orientation and preparation; "(9) that the State has instituted policies and procedures to insure that copies of the State plan and annual program plan and accountability report and all statements of general policies, rules, regulations, and procedures issued by the State board and by any State agencies to which any responsibility is delegated by the State board concerning the administration of such plan and report will be made reasonably available to the public; and "(10) that the funds used for purposes of section 110(a) are consistent with the State plan submitted pursuant to section 613 (a) of the Education of the Handicapped Act. "(b) Such general application shall be considered to be the general application required to be submitted by the State for funds received under the Vocational Education Act of 1963 under the provisions of subsection (b) of section 434 of the General Education Provisions Act.