Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/755

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-482—OCT. 12, 1976 undertaken pursuant to this part. Such report shall be in such form as the State may desire, and may include planning proposals for— (1) extending career education and career development programs and services to all individuals in the State; (2) extending the concept of the education process beyond the school into the area of employment and community affairs, and relating the subject matter curriculums of schools to the needs of individuals to function in society; (3) the implementation of new concepts in career education and career development and for the replication of concepts which have demonstrated success; (4) the development of training programs, including inservice training programs, for teachers, counselors, other educators, and administrators; (5) fostering cooperative arrangements with such community groups and agencies as the public employment services, vocational rehabilitation service, community mental health agencies, education opportunity centers, and other community resources concerned with vocational development guidance and counseling, in order to avoid unnecessary duplication in the provision of services in the community or area to be served; and (6) inventories of State, local, and private resources available for the development of career education and career development programs and services. CAREER

90 STAT. 2223




SEC. 335. (a) The Commissioner shall provide, either directly or by 20 USC 2505. grant or contract, for— (1) the gathering, cataloging, storing, analyzing, and disseminating information related to the availability of, and preparation for, careers in the United States, including information concerning current career options, future career trends, and career education; (2) the ongoing analysis of career trends and options in the United States, using information from both the public and private sectors, including such sources as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Department of Commerce, the Tariff Commission, economic analysts, labor unions, and private industry; (3) the publication of periodic reports and reference works using analysis prepared pursuant to this section and containing exemplary materials from the career education field, including research findings, results, and techniques from successful projects and programs, and highlights of ongoing analyses of career trends in the United States; and -^ (4) the conduct of seminars, workshops, and career information sessions for the purpose of disseminating to teachers, guidance counselors, other career educators, administrators, other education personnel, and the general public information compiled and analyzed under this section. (b) In carrying out the provisions of this part, and to the extent practicable, the Commissioner shall (1) make use of existing offices, centers, clearinghouses, and research capabilities, (2) coordinate among the offices, centers, clearinghouses, and research capabilities in carrying out his career information responsibilities, and (3) use the career information capabilities of the Education Division.