Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/800

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 2268


Repeal. 42 USC 294d, 294f. 42 USC 294d, 294q. 42 USC 294q note.

Appropriation authorization. 42 USC 294q note. .42 USC 294b, 294o. 42 USC 294c, 294p.

SEC. 406. (a)(1) Sections 744 and 746 are repealed. (2) Section 745 is redesignated as section 744. (b) The health professions education fund created within the Treasury by section 744(d)(1) of the Public Health Service Act (as in effect before the date of enactment of this Act) shall remain available to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the purpose of meeting his responsibilities respecting participations in obligations acquired under such section. The Secretary shall continue to deposit in such fund all amounts received by him as interest payments or repayments of principal on loans under such section 744. If at any time the Secretary determines the moneys in the fund exceed the present and any reasonable prospective future requirements of such fund, such excess may be transferred to the general fund of the Treasury. (c) There are authorized to be appropriated without fiscal year limitation such sums as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to make payments under agreements entered into under section 744(b) of the Public Health Service Act before September 30, 1977. (d) Section 742(b) is amended (1) by striking out ", and for loans pursuant to section 744" in paragraph (1), and (2) by striking out "whether as Federal capital contributions or as loans to schools under section 744" in paragraph (3). (e) Section 743,(b) is amended by striking o u t " (other than so much of such fund as relates to payments from the revolving fund established by section 744(d)) ". REVISION OF NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS PROGRAM

SEC. 407. (a) Part C of title III is amended by inserting immediately below the heading for such part the following: " Subpart I—General Provisions". 42 USC 254b. 42 USC 255, 256.

(b) Title III is amended— ^ 1) by striking out section 329; (2) by redesignating sections 331 and 332 as sections 339 and 340, respectively; and (3) by inserting immediately after section 330 the following new subpart: " Subpart II — National Health Service Corps Program "NATIONAL H E A L T H SERVICE CORPS

Establishment. 42 USC 254d.

" SEC. 331. (a) There is established, within the Service, the National Health Service Corps (hereinafter in this subpart referred to as the 'Corps') which (1) shall consist of such officers of the Regular and Reserve Corps of the Service and such civilian personnel as the Secretary may designate (such officers and personnel hereinafter in this subpart referred to as 'Cor^s members') and (2) shall be utilized by the Secretary to improve the delivery of health services in health manpower shortage areas as defined in section 3 3 2 (a). " (b) The Secretary shall conduct at schools of medicine, osteopat h y, dentistry, and, as appropriate, nursing and other schools of the health professions and at entities which t r a i n allied health personnel, recruiting programs for the Corps and the Scholarship Program.