Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/844

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 2312

Appropriation authorization.

PUBLIC LAW 94-484—OCT. 12, 1976 of full-time faculty which is determined by the Secretary to be sufficient to conduct the instruction required by clause (B) and to be comparable to the number of faculty assigned to other major clinical specialties in the school, and (D) have control over a three-year approved or provisionally approved residency t r a i n i n g program in family practice or its equivalent as determined by the Secretary which shall have the capacity to enroll a total of no less than twelve interns or residents per year; and " (2) such other information as the Secretary shall by regulation prescribe. " (c) There are authorized to be appropriated $10,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1978, $15,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1979, and $20,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, for payments under g r a n t s under subsection (a). a AREA

Contracts. 42 USC 295g-l.

Ante, p. 2247. 42 USC 296m.



" SEC. 781. (a) For the purpose of improving the distribution, supply, quality, utilization, and efficiency of health personnel in the health services delivery system and for the purpose of encouraging the regionalization of educational responsibilities of health professions schools, the Secretary may enter into contracts for projects to assist in the planning, development, and operation of area health education center programs. " (b) A n area health education center program shall be a cooperative program of one or more medical or osteopathic schools and one or more nonprofit private or public area health education centers. " (c) E a c h medical or osteopathic school participating in an area health education center program shall— " (1) provide for the active participation in such program by individuals who are associated with the administration of the school and each of the departments (or specialties if the school has no such departments) of internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, psychiatry, and family medicine; " (2) provide that no less than 10 percent of all undergraduate medical or osteopathic clinical education of the school will be conducted in an area health education center and at locations under the sponsorship of such center; " (3) be responsible for, or conduct, a program for the training of physician assistants (as defined in section 701(7)) or nurse practitioners (as defined in section 822) which gives special consideration to the enrollment of individuals from, or intending to practice in, the area served by the area health education center of the program; and " (4) provide for the active participation of at least 2 schools or programs of other health professions (including a school of dentistry if there is one affiliated with the university with which the school of medicine or osteopathy is affiliated) in the educational program conducted in the area served by the area health education center. " (d)(1) E a c h area health education center shall specifically designate a geographic area in which it will serve, or shall specifically designate a medically underserved population it will serve (such area or population with respect to such center in this section I'oferred to as 'the area served by the center'), which area or population is in a location remote from the main site of the teaching facilities of the school or schools which participate in the program with such center.