Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1054

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 1020

42 USC 4321 note.

Funds, apportionment.

Funds for longterm agreements.

PUBLIC LAW 95-113—SEPT. 29, 1977 lem which reduces the productive capacity of the Nation's land and water resources or causes degradation of environmental quality. "The amount of financial assistance to be provided shall be that portion of the cost of installing conservation and environmental enhancement measures which the Secretary determines is necessary. In determining the level of payment, consideration will be given to (A) the amount of expected conservation or environmental benefit accruing to society, (B) the total cost of carrying out the needed measures, (C) the degree to which appropriate conservation or pollution abatement practices will be applied in the absence of financial assistance, and (D) in order to avoid duplication of assistance, the degree to which the agricultural producer benefits from other public programs for conservation and environmental enhancement. "The Secretary, in formulating the national program, shall take into consideration (A) the need to control erosion and sedimentation from agricultural land and to conserve the water resources on such land, (B) the need to control pollution from animal wastes, (C) the need to facilitate sound resources management systems through soil and water conservation, (D) the need to encourage voluntary compliance by agricultural producers with Federal and State requirements to solve point and nonpoint sources of pollution, (E) national priorities reflected in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and other congressional and administrative actions, (F) the degree to which the measures contribute to the national objective of assuring a continuous supply of food and fiber necessary for the maintenance of a strong and healthy people and economy, and (G) the type of conservation measures needed to improve water quality in rural America."; (2) designating as a separate paragraph that portion of the first paragraph of subsection (b) not amended by paragraph (1) of this subsection; and (3] striking out the first three paragraphs of subsection (e) and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Payments made by the Secretary under subsection (b) of this section to agricultural producers shall be divided among landlords, tenants, and sharecroppers in proportion to the extent such landlords, tenants, and sharecroppers contribute to the cost of carrying out the conservation or environmental enhancement measures. The maximum payment which may be made to any person shall be determined by the Secretary.", (b) Section 15 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (49 Stat. 1151, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 590o) is amended by— (1) adding at the end of the first sentence three new sentences as follows: "The amount appropriated shall be available until expended. A specified amount or percentage of the appropriation shall be designated for long-term agreements based on farm and ranch conservation plans approved by local conservation districts, where such districts are organized. The Secretary shall distribute the funds available for financial assistance among the several States in accordance with their conservation needs, as determined by the Secretary."; and (2) striking out the second paragraph.