Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1378

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 1344

PUBLIC LAW 95-166—NOV. 10, 1977

child enrolled in schools or in institutions within the State, except that no State shall receive an amount less than $75,000 per year. FY 1979. "(2) For the fiscal year beofinning October 1, 1979, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for grants to each State for the conduct of nutrition education and information programs, an amount equal to the higher of (A) 50 cents for each child enrolled in schools or in institutions within each State, or (B) $75,000 for each State. Grants to each State from such appropriations shall be based on a rate of 50 cents for each child enrolled in schools or in institutions within such State, except that no State shall receive an amount less than $75,000 for that year. If funds appropriated for such year are insufficient to pay the amount to which each State is entitled under the preceding sentence, the amount of such grant shall be ratably reduced to the extent necessary so that the total of such amounts paid does not exceed the amount of appropriated funds. If additional funds become available for making such payments, such amounts shall be increased on the same basis as they were reduced. Enrollment data. "(3) Enrollment data used for purposes of this subsection shall be the latest available as certified by the Office of Education of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.". NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON CHILD

42 USC 1763.


S E C 16. Section 15 of the National School Lunch Act is amended py.. . (1) striking out in the first sentence "fifteen" and inserting in lieu thereof "nineteen"; (2) inserting immediately after "classroom teacher," in the second sentence the following: "two members shall be parents of children in schools that participate in the school lunch program under this Act, two members shall be senior high school students who participate in the school lunch program under this Act,"; (3) amending subsection (b) to read as follows: Term. "(b) The fifteen members of the Council appointed from outside the Department of Agriculture shall be appointed for terms of two years, except that the appointments for 1978 shall be made as follows: Two replacements, one parent, and one senior high school student shall be appointed for terms of two years; and two replacements, one parent, and one senior high school student shall be appointed for terms of one year. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for a term of two years, except that a person appointed to fill an unexpired term shall serve only for the remainder of such term. Parents and senior high school students appointed to the Council shall be members of State or school district child nutrition councils or committees actively engaged in providing program advice and guidance to school officials administering the school lunch program. Such appointments shall be made in a manner to balance rural and urban representation between parents and students. Members appointed from the Department of Agriculttire shall serve at the pleasure of the Secretary."; and Personal (4) striking out the period at the end of subsection (h) and expenses, inserting in lieu thereof the following: ": Provided, That memcompensation. h^x'S. serving as parents, in addition to reimbursement for necessary travel and subsistence, shall, at the discretion of the Secretary, be compensated for other personal expenses related to ^ participation on the Council, such as child care expenses and lost wages during scheduled Council meetings.".