Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/1609

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

PUBLIC LAW 95-217—DEC. 27, 1977

91 STAT. 1575

Administrator for obligation shall be available for obligation until September 30, 1978.". STATE MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE

SEC. 26. (a) Section 205 of the Federal W a t e r Pollution Control Act is amended by adding after new subsection (f) the following new subsection: " (g)(1) The Administrator is authorized to reserve each fiscal year not to exceed 2 per centum of the allotment made to each State under this section on or after October 1, 1977, or $400,000 whichever amount is the greater. Sums so reserved shall be available for making g r a n t s to such State under paragraph (2) of this subsection for the same period as sums are available from such allotment under subsection (d) of this section, and any such g r a n t shall be available for obligation only during such period. Any g r a n t made from sums reserved under this subsection which has not been obligated by the end of the period for which available shall be added to the amount last allotted to such State under this section and shall be immediately available for obligation in the same manner and to the same extent as such last allotment. " (2) The Administrator is authorized to g r a n t to any State from amounts reserved to such State under this subsection, the reasonable costs of administering any aspects of sections 201, 203, 204, and 212 of this Act the responsibility for administration of which the Administrator has delegated to such State. The Administrator may increase such g r a n t to take into account the reasonable costs of administering an approved program under section 402 or 404, administering a statewide waste treatment management planning program under section 2 0 8 (b)(4), and m a n a g i n g waste treatment construction g r a n t s for small communities.". (b) Section 101(b) of Federal W a t e r Pollution Control Act is amended by inserting immediately after the first sentence the following new sentence: " I t is the policy of Congress that the States manage the construction g r a n t program under this Act and implement the permit programs under sections 402 and 404 of this Act.".

Reserved funds, grants. 33 USC 1285.

33 USC 1281, 1283, 1284, 1292. 33 USC 1342, 1344. Post, p. 1577. Construction grant programs. 33 USC 1251.


SEC. 27. Section 205 of Federal W a t e r Pollution Control Act is amended by a d d i n g after new subsection (g) a new subsection as follows: " (h) The Administrator shall set aside from funds authorized for each fiscal year beginning on or after October 1, 1978, four per centum of the sums allotted to any State with a r u r a l population of 25 per centum or more of the total population of such State, as determined by the Bureau of the Census. The Administrator may set aside no more than four per centum of the sums allotted to any other State for which the Governor requests such action. Such sums shall be available only for alternatives to conventional sewage treatment works for municipalities having a population of three thousand five hundred or less, or for the highly dispersed sections of larger municipalities, as defined by the Administrator.". FUNDING

SEC. 28. Section 205 of the Federal W a t e r Pollution Control Act Grant increases. IS further amended by a d d i n g at the end thereof the following new subsection: