Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/650

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 616 Ante, p. 614.


22 USC 2761.

22 USC 2347, 2751 note.

Report to Speaker of the House and cong committees.


PUBLIC LAW 95-92—AUG. 4, 1977 sary functions with respect to such programs in the countries specified in section 504(a)(1) and in the Republic of Korea, Panama, Brazil, Morocco, Iran, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Members of the Armed Forces assigned under this subsection shall have as their primary functions logistics management, transportation, fiscal management, and contract administration of country programs. I t is the sense of the Congress that advisory and training assistance in the countries specified above shall primarily be provided by personnel who are not assigned under this subsection and who are detailed for limited periods to perform specific tasks. "(2) The total number of members of the Armed Forces assigned under this subsection to each country specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection may not exceed the number justified to the Congress in the congressional presentation materials, unless the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives are so notified. "(3) Members of the Armed Forces authorized to be assigned to Iran, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia by paragraph (1) of this subsection may only be assigned to such countries on a fully reimbursable basis under section 21(a) of the Arms Export Control Act, except that this requirement shall apply only to the extent that the number of members of the Armed Forces assigned to each such country exceeds six. "(c) The President may assign not to exceed three members of the Armed Forces to any country not specified in subsection (b)(1) to perform accounting and other management functions with respect to international security assistance programs conducted under this chapter, chapter 5 of this part, or under the Arms Export Control Act, except that not to exceed three additional members of the Armed Forces may be assigned to a country to perform such functions when specifically requested by the Chief of the Diplomatic Mission as necessary to the efficient operation of the Mission. "(d) The total number of members of the Armed Forces assigned to foreign countries under subsections (b) and (c) may not exceed 865 for the fiscal year 1978. "(e) Members of the Armed Forces assigned to a foreign country Tinder subsection (b) or (c) shall serve under the direction and supervision of the Chief of the United States Diplomatic Mission in that country. "(f) Defense attaches may perform overseas management functions described in this section only if the President determines that the performance of such functions by defense attaches is the most economic and efficient means of performing such functions. The President shall promptly report each such determination to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, together with a description of the number of personnel involved and a statement of the reasons for such determination. The number of defense attaches performing overseas management functions in a country under this subsection may not exceed the number of defense attaches authorized to be assigned to that country on December 31, 1976. "(g) The entire costs (including salaries of United States military personnel) of overseas management of international security assistance programs under this section shall be charged to or reimbursed from funds made available to carry out this chapter, including any such costs which are reimbursed from charges for services collected