Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/676

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 642

Communitybased organizations.

PUBLIC LAW 95-93—AUG. 5, 1977 carried out pursuant to agreements between prime sponsors and local educational agencies. Each such agreement shall describe in detail the employment opportunities and appropriate training and supportive services which shall be provided to eligible participants who are enrolled or who agree to enroll in a full-time program leading to a secondary school diploma, a junior or community college degree, or a technical or trade school certificate of completion. Each such agreement shall contain provisions to assure that funds received pursuant to the agreement will not supplant State and local funds expended for the same purpose. "(e) Programs receiving assistance under paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of this section shall give special consideration in carrying out programs authorized under section 342 of this Act, to communitybased organizations which have demonstrated effectiveness in the delivery of employment and training services, such as the Opportunities Industrialization Centers, the National Urban League, SER-Jobs for Progress, Mainstream, Community Action Agencies, union-related organizations, employer-related nonprofit organizations, and other similar organizations. "ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS

29 USC 894c. 29 USC 812. 29 USC 872. 29 USC 873. 29 USC 894d.

"Lower living standard income level."

"SEC. 344. Eligible applicants for purposes of this subpart, except section 348, are prime sponsors qualified under section 102 of this Act, sponsors of Native American programs qualified under section 302(c) (1) of this Act, and sponsors of migrant and seasonal farmworker programs qualified under section 303 of this Act. "SEC. 345. (a) Eligible participants for programs authorized under this subpart shall be persons who— "(1)(A) are unemployed or are underemployed or are in school and are ages sixteen to twenty-one, inclusive; or (B) if authorized under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, are in school and are ages fourteen to fifteen, inclusive: and "(2) are not members of households which have current gross family income, adjusted to an annualized basis (exclusive of unemployment compensation and all Federal, State, and local income-tested or needs-tested public payments) at a rate exceeding 85 percent of the lower living standard income level, except that, pursuant to regulations which the Secretary shall prescribe, persons who do not meet the requirements of this subparagraph but who are otherwise eligible under this subpart may participate in appropriate activities of the type authorized under paragraph (3) of section 342(a). Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, 10 percent of the funds available for this subpart may be used for programs which include youths of all economic backgrounds to test the desirability of including youths of all economic backgrounds. "(b) For purposes of this section, the term 'lower living standard income level' means that income level (adjusted for regional and metropolitan and urban and rural differences and family size) determined annually by the Secretary based upon the most recent 'lower living standard budget' issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor. "COXDITIOXS FOR RECEIPT OF FINANCIAL

29 USC 894e.


"SEC. 346. (a) The Secretary shall not provide financial assistance to an eligible applicant for programs authorized under section 342 unless