Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/681

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

PUBLIC LAW 95-93—AUG. 5, 1977 "(A) whenever the prime sponsor has entered into an agreement with the employer and the labor organization representing employees engaged in similar work in the same area to pay less than the rates provided in this paragraph, youths may be paid the rates specified in such agreement; "(B) whenever an existing job is reclassified or restructured, youths employed in such jobs shall be paid at rates not less than are provided under paragraph (1) or (2) of this section, but if a labor organization represents employees engaged in similar work in the same area, such youths shall be paid at rates specified in an agreement entered into by the appropriate prime sponsor, the employer, and the labor organization with respect to such reclassified or restructured jobs, and if no agreement is reached within 30 days after the initiation of the agreement procedure referred to in this subparagraph, the labor organization, prime sponsor, or employer may petition the Secretary of Labor who shall establish appropriate wages for the reclassified or restructured positions, taking into account wages paid by the same employer to persons engaged in similar work; "(C) whenever a new or different job classification or occupation is established and there is no dispute with respect to such new or different job classification or occupation, youths to be employed in such jobs shall be paid at rates not less than are provided in paragraph (1) or (2) of this section, but if there is a dispute with respect to such new or different job classification or occupation, the Secretary of Labor shall, within 30 days after receipt of the notice of protest by the labor organization representing employees engaged in similar work in the same area, make a determination whether such job is a new or different job classification or occupation; and "(D) in the case of projects to which the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (or any Federal law containing labor standards in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act) otherwise apply, the Secretary is authorized, for projects financed under subparts 2 and 3 of this part under $5,000, to prescribe rates of pay for youth participants which are not less than the applicable minimum wage but not more than the wage rate of the entering apprentice in the most nearly comparable apprenticeable trade, and to prescribe the appropriate ratio of journeymen to such participating youths.

91 STAT. 647

40 USC 276a note.


"SEC. 353. (a) The Secretary shall provide financial assistance under Financial this part only if he determines that the activities to be assisted meet assistance. 29 USC 895b. the requirements of this section. " (b) The Secretary shall determine that the activities assisted under this part— "(1) will result in an increase in employment opportunities over those opportunities which would otherwise be available; "(2) will not result in the displacement of currently employed workers (including partial displacement such as reduction in the