Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/782

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 74S

PUBLIC LAW 95-95—AUG. 7, 1977 -,kj'

Schedule establishment.

social easla i«^)osed as a result of its location, construction, or modification; "(B) establish a specific schedule for implementation of a vehicle emission control inspection and maintenance program; and "(C) identify other measures necessary to provide for. attainment of the applicable national ambient air quality standard not later than December 31, 1987. "(c) In the case of a State plan revision required under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 to be submitted before July 1, 1982, by reason of a demonstration under subsection (a)(2), effective on &uch date such plan shall contain enforceable measures to assure attainment of the applicable standard not later than July 1, 1987. "PERMIT REQUIREMENTS

42 USC 7503.

"SEC. 173. The permit program required by section 172(b)(6) shall provide that permits to construct and operate may be issued if— "(1) the permitting agency determines that— j "(A) by the time the facility is to commence operation, total allowable emissions from existing sources in the region, I from new sources which are not major emitting facilities, and from the proposed facility will be sufficiently less than total emissions from existing sources allowed under the implementation plan prior to the application for such permit to construct or modify so as to represent (when considered together with the plan provisions required under section 172) reasonable further progress (as defined in section 171); or "(B) that emissions of such pollutant resulting from the proposed new or modified major stationary source will not cause or contribute to emissions levels which exceed the allow} ance permitted for such pollutant for such area from new or modified major stationary sources under section 172(b); "(2) the proposed source is required to comply with the lowest achievable emission rate; and "(3) the owner or operator of the proposed new or modified source has demonstrated that all major stationary sources owned or operated by such person (or by any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with such person) in such State are subject to emission limitations and are in compliance, or on a schedule for compliance, with all applicable emission limitations and standards under this Act. Any emission reductions required as a precondition of the issuance of a permit under paragraph (1)(A) shall be legally binding before such permit may be issued. li

42 USC 7504.


"SEC. 174. (a) Within six months after the enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977, for each region in which the national primary ambient air quality standard for carbon monoxide or photochemical oxidants will not be attained by July 1, 1979, the State and elected officials of affected local governments shall jointly determine which elements of a revised implementation plan will be planned for and implemented or enforced by the State and which such elements will be planned for and implemented or enforced by local governments or regional agencies, or any combination of local