Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/888

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 854

Report to President.

22 USC 1008.

PUBLIC LAW 95-105—AUG. 17, 1977 ments shall be limited to a maximum of 48 months, but may be extended for up to 12 additional months if the Secretary deems such extension to be in the public interest. Such Reserve officers may receive promotions up to class 6 for satisfactory performance during such trial period. The Secretary shall furnish the President with the names of such Reserve officers who have demonstrated fitness and aptitude for the work of the Service and whom he recommends for appointment as Foreign Service officers in the class corresponding to their Reserve officer class. The Secretary may terminate the services of such Reserve officers at any time under section 638.". REASSIGNMENT OF CHIEFS OF MISSION

SEC. 406. Section 519 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (22 U.S.C. 914) is amended by— (1) inserting ", or a Foreign Service Reserve officer who is a participant in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System," immediately after "officer"; and (2) striking out "in accordance with the provisions of section 514" and inserting in lieu thereof "to another position in accordance with this or any other Act". CITIZENSHIP REQUIREMENT

SEC. 407. Section 522 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (22 U.S.C. 922) is amended by striking out "and who has been such for at least five years" in the text preceding paragraph (1). PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS

SEC. 408. Section 571(b) of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (22 U.S.C. 961 (b)) is amended by— (1) inserting "or Reserve officer" immediately after "officer" the first time the latter appears; and (2) striking out "a Foreign Service" the second time the phrase appears and inserting in lieu thereof "such an". TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS

SEC. 409. (a) Section 811(d) of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (22 U.S.C. 1071(d)) is amended by striking out "July 1, 1921" in the table and inserting in lieu thereof "July 1, 1924"* (b) Section 821(g) of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (22 U.S.C. 1076(g)) is amended by striking out "married" and inserting in lieu thereof "unmarried" in the first sentence. DEATH GRATUITIES FOR FOREIGN SERVICE ALIEN EMPLOYEES

SEC. 410. (a) Paragraph (1) of section 14(d) of the Act entitled "An Act to provide certain basic authority for the Department of State", approved August 1, 1956 (22 U.S.C. 2679a(d)), is amended

22 USC 946.

(1) striking out "national" and inserting in lieu thereof "employee"; (2) striking out "or" immediately after "consular agent,"; and (3) inserting immediately before the semicolon at the end thereof ", or an alien employee appointed under section 541 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946".