Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/1080

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1026

PUBLIC LAW 95-431—OCT. 10, 1978 LEGAL




For expenses necessary for the legal activities of the Department of Justice, not otherwise provided for, including miscellaneous and emergency expenses authorized or approved by the Attorney General or the Assistant Attorney General for Administration; not to exceed $20,000 for expenses of collecting evidence, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General and accounted for solely on his certificate; and advances of public moneys pursuant to law (31 U.S.C 529); $90,550,000: Provided, That not to exceed $105,000 may be transferred to this appropriation from the "Alien Property Fund, World War II ", for the general administrative expenses of alien property activities, including rent of private or Government-owned space in the District of Columbia. SALARIES AND EXPENSES, ANTITRUST DFV'ISION

42 USC 3701 note.

For expenses necessary for the enforcement of antitrust, consumer protection and kindred laws, including $10,000,000 for antitrust enforcement grants to the States authorized by section 309 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, $46,377,000: Provided, That none of this appropriation shall be expended for the establishment and maintenance of permanent regional offices of the Antitrust Division. SALARIES AND EXPENSES, UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS AND MARSHALS

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For necessary expenses of the offices of the United States attorneys and marshals, including purchase of firearms and ammunition and supervision of United States prisoners in non-Federal institutions, and bringing to the United States from foreign countries persons charged with crime, and for lease of not more than 800 passenger motor vehicles from the General Services Administration, of which not more than five hundred and seventy shall be for police-type use, $196,700,000: Provided, That, in order to equip the U.S. Marshals Service with police-type vehicles, the General Services Administration may purchase not more than one hundred replacement vehicles without regard to the purchase price limitation for the current fiscal year. SUPPORT o r UNITED STATES PRISONERS

For support of United States prisoners in non-Federal institutions, including necessary clothing and medical aid, payment of rewards, and reimbursement to Saint Elizabeths Hospital for the care and treatment of United States prisoners, at per diem rates as authorized by law (24 U.S.C. 168a), $25,100,000. FEES AND EXPENSES OF WITNESSES

For expenses, mileage, compensation, and per diems of witnesses and for per diems in lieu of subsistence, as autnorized by law, including advances; $20,000,000: Provided, That no part of the sum herein appropriated shall be used to pay any witness more than one attendance fee for any one calendar day. , ,N i,