Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/819

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-391—SEPT. 30, 1978

92 STAT. 765

$25,955 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $28,998 per annum; a Secretary at not to exceed $20,585 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $21,'i80 per annum; a Journal Clerk at not to exceed $44,034 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $45,645 per annum; a Secretary at not to exceed $20,585 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $19,332 per annum; a Second Assistant Journal Clerk at not to exceed $27,566 per annum in lieu of a Clerk of Enrolled Bills at not to exceed $25,776 per annum; a Legislative Clerk at not to exceed $44,034 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $45,645 per annum; an Assistant Legislative Clerk at not to exceed $34,368 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $44,034 per annum; a Second Assistant Legislative Clerk at not to exceed $27,566 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $32,578 per annum; a Technical Advisor at not to exceed $32,041 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $35,084 per annum; a Bill Clerk at not to exceed $32,578 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $29,177 per annum; an Assistant Bill Clerk at not to exceed $25,776 per annum in lieu of not to exceed $21,480 per annum; a Terminal Operator at not to exceed $12,351 per annum in lieu of a Clerk, Public Records Office, at not to exceed $16,110 per annum; a Messenger at not to exceed $12,172 per annum in lieu of a Reference Assistant at not to exceed $14,678 per annum; a Technical Services Specialist in the Library at not to exceed $20,406 per annum; and in the Office of Classified National Security Information: a Director at not to exceed $50,478 per annum; a Professional Staff Member at not to exceed $40,096 per annum; a Classified Documents Specialist at not to exceed $27,566 per annum; and two Secretaries at not to exceed $20,585 per annum each: Provided further, That / the provisions of the preceding proviso shall not apply to the position of Legislative Clerk or Assistant Legislative Clerk so long as the position is held by an individual who has held the position continuously since December 31, 1977. For an. additional amount for "Office of the Secretary", fiscal year 1978, $220,800. COMMITTEEMPLOYEES

For professional and clerical assistance to standing committees and the Select Committee on Small Business, $10,528,000. For an additional amount for "committee employees", fiscal year 1978, $243,300. CONFERENCE COMMITTEES

For clerical assistance to the Conference of the Majority and the Conference of the Minority, at rates of compensation to be fixed by the Chairman of each such committee, $375,000 for each such committee; in all, $750,000. For an additional amount for "conference committees", fiscal year 1978, $52,300. ADMINISTRATIVE, CLERICAL, AND LEGISLATIVE ASSISTANCE TO SENATORS

For administrative, clerical, and legislative assistance to Senators, $70,881,000. For an additional amount for "administrative and clerical assistants to Senators", fiscal year 1978, $4,464,100. OFFICE o r SERGEANT AT ARMS AND DOORKEEPER

For Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, $19,803,000: Provided, That, effective October 1, 1978, the Sergeant at Arms and