Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/1040

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2320

PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978 tary for Indian Affairs shall provide for the adequate coordination between the affected Bureau offices and the Office in order to facilitate the expeditious consideration of all contract functions relating to education. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to require the provision of separate support services for Indian education. (c) Education personnel located in Bureau agencies, who are under the direction and supervision of the Director of the Office in accordance with the first sentence of subsection (b), shall— (1) monitor and evaluate Bureau education programs, and (2) provide technical and coordinating assistance in areas such as procurement, contracting, budgeting, personnel, and curriculum. However, in the case of boarding schools located off reservation operated by the Bureau, education personnel located in area offices of the Bureau shall provide such services, under the direction and supervision of the Director of the Office. (d) For the purpose of this section the term "functions" includes powers and duties.



Publication in Federal Register, 25 USC 2007.

SEC. 1127. Within six months after the date of enactment of this ^ c t, the Secretary shall establish and publish in the Federal Kegister i]^Q policies and procedures which are necessary to implement the transfer of functions made under section 1126. ALLOTMENT EORMULA

Regulation. 25 USC 2008.


SEC. 1128. (a) The Secretary shall establish, by regulation adopted in accordance with section 1138, a formula for determining the minimum annual amount of funds necessary to sustain each Bureau or contract school. In establishing such formula, the Secretary shall consider—• (1) the number of Indian students served and size of the school; (2) special cost factors, such as— (A) isolation of the school; (B) need for special staffing, transportation, or educational programs; (C) food and housing costs; (D) overhead costs associated with administering contracted education functions; and • '• (E) maintenance and repair costs associated with the physical condition of the educational facilities; (3) the cost of providing academic services which are at least equivalent to those provided by public schools in the State in ,,. which the school is located; (4) the cost of bringing the school up to the level of the standards established under sections 1121 and 1122; and (5) such other relevant factors as the Secretary determines are appropriate. (b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, Federal funds appropriated for the general local operation of Bureau and contract schools, shall be allotted pro rata in accordance with the formula established under subsection (a), except that, in the case of any such school which is located in a school district of a local educational agency which receives from Federal funds under other provisions of law an