Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/1060

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2340

PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978

their representative organizations shall have an opportunity, during a thirty-day period, to comment to the Secretary on the collection of information and data acquisition activity. The exact data instruments for each proposed activity shall be available to the public upon request during this comment period. " (4) N o changes may be made in the plans for the acquisition of that information or data, except changes required as a result of the review described in this section, after such plans have been finally approved under this section, unless the changed plans go through the same approval process. Waiver. " (5) The Secretary may waive the requirements of this section for individual research and evaluation studies which are not designated for individual project monitoring or review, provided that— " (A) the study shall be of a nonrecurring n a t u r e; " (B) any educational agency or institution may choose whether or not to participate, and that any such decision shall not be used by any Federal agency for purposes of individual project monitoring or funding decisions; " (C) the man-hours necessary for educational agencies and institutions to respond to requests for information or data shall not be excessive, and the requests shall not be excessive in detail, unnecessary, redundant, ineffective, or excessively costly; and " (D) the Federal agency requesting information or data has Announcement in Federal Register. announced the plans for the study in the Federal Register. Notification. The Secretary shall inform the relevant agency or institution concerning the waiver decision within thirty days following such an announcement, or the study shall be deemed waived and may proceed. Any study waived under the provisions of this subsection shall be subject to no other review than that of the agency requesting information or data from educational agencies or institutions. " (6) Nothing in this section shall be construed to interfere with the enforcement of the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or any 42 USC 2000a note. other nondiscrimination provision of Federal law. " (c) The Secretary shall, insofar as practicable, and in accordance with the provisions of this Act, provide educational agencies and institutions and other Federal agencies, pursuant to the requirement of 20 USC 1221e-l. section 406(f)(2)(A), with summaries of information collected and the data acquired by Federal agencies, unless such data were acquired on a confidential basis. " (d) The Secretary shall, insofar as practicable— Standard " (1) develop standard definitions and terms consistent, wherdefinitions and ever possible, with those established by the Office of Federal Staterms. tistical Policy and Standards, Department of Commerce, to be used by all Federal agencies in dealing with education-related information and data acquisition requests; Automated " (2) develop an automated indexing system for cataloging all indexing system. available d a t a; Uniform reporting " (3) establish uniform reporting dates among Federal agencies dates. for the information and data acquisition required after review under this section; Listings, " (4) publish annually a listing of education d a t a requests, by publication. Federal agency, and for the programs administered in the Education Division, publish a listing annually of each such program with its appropriation and with the data burden resulting from each such program; and Authority, " (5) require the Federal agency proposing the collection of identification. information or d a t a acquisition activity to identify in its data instrument the legislative auhority specifically requiring such col-