Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/1154

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2434

PUBLIC LAW 95-568—NOV. 2, 1978 'RESEARCIT, D E M O N S T R A T I O N, A N D P I L O T P R O J E C T S

Grants or contracts.

42 USC 2929b.

Overall plan, establishment.

"SEC. 553. (a) The Secretary may provide financial assistance through grants or contracts for research, demonstration, or pilot projects conducted by public and private agencies which are designed to test or assist in the development of new approaches or methods that will aid in overcoming special problems or in otherwise furthering the purposes of this part. "(b) The Secretary shall establish an overall plan to govern the approval of research, demonstration, or pilot projects and the use of all research authority under this part. Such plan shall set forth specific objectives to be achieved and priorities among such objectives. A N N O U N C E M E N T OF RESEARCH, DEMONSTRATION, AND PILOT PROJECT CONTRACTS

42 USC 2929b-l.

Summaries, submission to Congress.

"SEC. 554. (a) The Secretary shall make a public announcement concerning— "(1) the title, purpose, intended completion date, identity of the grantee or contractor, and proposed cost of any grant or contract with a private or non-Federal public agency or organization for any research, demonstration, or pilot project under this part; and "(2) the results, findings, data, or recommendations made or reported as a result of such activities. "(b) The public announcements required by subsection (a)(1) shall be made not later than 30 days of making such grants or contracts, and the public announcements required by subsection (a)(2) shall be made not later than 90 days of the receipt of such results. "(c) The Secretary shall take necessary action to assure that all studies, proposals, and data produced or developed with Federal funds employed under this part shall become the property of the United States. "(d) The Secretary shall publish summaries of the results of activities carried out pursuant to this part not later than 90 days after the completion thereof. The Secretary shall submit to the appropriate committees of the Congress copies of all such summaries. "EVALUATION

42 USC 2929b-2.

General standards, publication.

"SEC. 555. (a) The Secretary shall provide, directly or through grants or contracts, for the continuing evaluation of programs under this part, including evaluations that measure and evaluate the impact of programs authorized by this part, in order to determine their effectiveness in achieving stated goals, their impact on related programs, and their structure and mechanism for delivery of services, including, where appropriate, comparisons with appropriate control groups composed of persons who have not participated in such programs. Evaluations shall be conducted by persons not directly involved in the administration of the program or project evaluation. " (b) The Secretary shall develop and publish general standards for evaluation of program and project effectiveness in achieving the objectives of this part. The extent to which such standards have been met shall be considered in deciding whether to renew or supplement financial assistance authorized under this part. " (c) In carrying out evaluations under this part, the Secretary shall, whenever feasible, arrange to obtain the specific views of persons parti-