Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/1210

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2490


Rules and regulations.

PUBLIC LAW 95-586—NOV. 3, 1978 the surveyor of said county with the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of Jackman Street (formerly 8th Street); thence easterly along said prolongation to the westerly line of the rightof-way, 100 feet wide, as reserved in that certain deed dated May 4, 1887, from Southern Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation, and D. O. Mills and Gerrit L. Lansing, trustees to M. L. Wicks, recorded May 9, 1887, in Book 222 at page 172, official records of said county; thence northerly along said westerly right-of-way line 624.34 feet more or less to the southerly line of Avenue I (formerly Sierra Madre Road); thence westerly along said southerly line of Avenue I to the easterly line of said Sierra Highway; thence southerly along said easterly line of Sierra Highway to the point of beginning. SEC. 203. (a) Nothing in this Act shall— (1) diminish the right-of-way referred to in the first section of this Act to a width of less than 50 feet on each side of the center of the main tract or tracts established and maintained by the Southern Pacific Company on the date of the enactment of this Act; or (2) validate or confirm any right or title to, or interest in, the land referred to in the first section of this Act arising out of adverse possession, prescription, or abandonment, and not confirmed by conveyance made by the Southern Pacific Company before the date of the enactment of this Act. (b) There is reserved to the United States all oil, coal, or other minerals in the land referred to in the first section of this Act, together with the right to prospect for, mine, and remove such oil, coal, or other minerals under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe.



SEC. 301. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to convey to Francis T, Oleson and Zona I. Oleson, husband and wife; Dan Raymond and Elizabeth Louise Raymond, husband and wife; and Edward J. Bonderenko or their successors in interest, all right, title, and interest of the United States, except rigiht, title, and interest in deposits of all minerals, in lands identified as tracts numbered 1, 2, and 3 in that part of the west half, southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, section 2, township 10 north, range 1 west, Montana principal meridian Lewis and Clark County, Montana, lying east of the "Erroneous Survey Line", lying north of the county road right-of-way as shown on Bureau of Reclamation drawing number 296-604-170, dated September 24, 1971, and as determined available for sale by the Secretary of the Interior. Such conveyance shall be made only upon applications by such aforementioned individuaJls therefor within six months after the date of this Act, and upon payment of the appraised fair market value of the land as of the date of sale plus the administrative costs, including costs of a land survey, of making the conveyance, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior within one year after notification by the Secretary of the Interior of the amount due. In determining the fair market value of the land, the Secretary of the Interior shall not include any values added to the land by Francis T. Oleson and Zona I. Oleson, husband and wife; Dan Raymond and Elizabeth Louise Raymond, hus-