Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/254

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1534

High protein foods, meat, and meat alternates.

Cash payments.

PUBLIC LAW 95-478—OCT. 18, 1978 the commodities delivered under this subsection, the Secretary shall give special emphasis to high protein foods, meat, and meat alternates. The Secretary of Agriculture, in consultation with the Commissioner, is authorized to prescribe the terms and conditions respecting the donating of commodities under this subsection. "(b)(1) During each of the fiscal years ending before October 1, 1981, the Secretary of Agriculture shall purchase hi^h protein foods, meat, and meat alternates on the open market, at prices not in excess of market prices, out of funds appropriated under this section, as determined under paragraph (3), for distribution to recipients of grants or contracts to be used for providing nutrition services in accordance with the provisions of this title. High protein foods, meat, and meat alternates purchased by the Secretary of Agriculture under this subsection shall be grown and produced in the United States. "(2) High protein foods, meat, and meat alternates donated under this subsection shall not be considered donated commodities for purposes of meeting the requirement of subsection (a)(4) with respect to the annually programmed level of assistance under subsection (a). "(3) There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary in order to carry out the program established by paragraph (1). "(c)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a State may, for purposes of the programs authorized by this Act, elect to receive cash payments in lieu of donated foods for all or any portion of its project. In any case in which a State makes such an election, the Secretary of Agriculture shall make cash payments to such State in an amount equivalent in value to the donated foods which the State otherwise would have received if such State had retained its commodity distribution. " (2) When such payments are made, the State agency shall promptly and equitably disburse any cash it receives in lieu of commodities to recipients of grants or contracts. Such disbursements shall only be used by such recipients of grants or contracts to purchase United States agricultural commodities and other foods for their nutrition projects. "(3) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to require any State to elect to receive cash payments under this subsection. " M U L T I P U R P O S E SENIOR CENTERS: RECAPTURE OF PAYMENTS

42 USC 3030b.

"SEC. 312. If, within 10 years after acquisition, or within 20 years after the completion of construction, of any facility for which funds have been paid under this title— "(1) the owner of the facility ceases to be a public or nonprofit private agency or organization; or "(2) the facility ceases to be used for the purposes for which it was acquired (unless the Commissioner determines, in accordance with regulations, that there is good cause for releasing the applicant or other owner from the obligation to do so); the United States shall be entitled to recover from the applicant or other owner of the facility an amount which bears to the then value of the facility (or so much thereof as constituted an approved project or projects) the same ratio as the amount of such Federal funds bore to the cost of the facility financed with the aid of such funds. Such valt^e shall be determined by agreement of the parties or by action