Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/257

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-478—OCT. 18, 1978

92 STAT. 1537

shall take into account the ability of established home delivered meals programs to continue such services without major alteration in the furnishing of such services.". TRAINING, RESEARCH, AND DISCRETIONARY PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS

SEC. 104. (a)(1) Section 401 is amended to read as follows: "STATEMENT or

42 USC 3031.


" S E C 401. (a) The purpose of this part is to develop and implement a national manpower policy for the field of aging. Such a policy shall reflect the present and future needs for training personnel, including personnel involved in advocacy and leadership, in all programs serving the elderly recognizing the unique health, transportation, and housing problems of the elderly, the continual growth of the elderly population of the United States, and the high incidence of disabilities within such population. The national manpower policy established under this part shall require that training programs shall give priority to t r a i n i n g personnel responsible for carrying out projects relating to multipurpose senior centers under part B of title III and for carrying out programs under part C of title III. " (b) The policy required by this title shall be developed and implemented by the Commissioner in cooperation with other departments and agencies of the Federal Government, including the Public Health Service, the Health Care F i n a n c i n g Administration, the Social Security Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and in particular the National Institute on Aging, the Administration for Public Services, the Rehabilitation Services Administration, the Veterans' Administration, the Department of Labor, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Department of Transportation, State employment agencies, State and area agencies on aging, and other appropriate agencies.". (2) Section 402 is amended to read as follows:

National manpower policy.

Ante, p. 1535. Ante, p. 1536. Implementation.

42 USC 3032.


" S E O. 402. (a) The Commissioner shall, at such times as he deems appropriate and in cooperation with representatives referred to in section 401(b), assess the Nation's existing and future personnel needs in the field of aging, including as part of such assessment, the needs for personnel in both institutional and non-institutional long-term care settings, and evaluate all programs, including institutional and non-institutional long-term care programs, serving the elderly at all levels of government recognizing the continual growth of the elderly population. The assessment required by this section shall be conducted in accordance with the national manpower policy developed under section 401. " (b) The assessment required by this section shall be submitted Report to biennially to the Congress. Each such report shall indicate the impact Congress. of the assessment on the national manpower policy and plans for the future.". (3)(A) Section 403 is amended by striking out " The " and insert- 42 USC 3033. ing in lieu thereof the following: " I n accordance with the requirements set forth in the national manpower policy, the".

39-194 O—80—pt. 2

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