Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/260

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1540

Preretirement education information.

Special services.



PUBLIC LAW 95-478—OCT. 18, 1978 to enable them to lead more productive lives by broadening the educational, cultural, or social awareness of such older individuals, emphasizing, where possible, free tuition arrangements with colleges and universities; "(3) provide preretirement education information, and relevant services (including the training of personnel to carry out such programs and the conducting of research with respect to the development and operation of such programs) to individuals planning retirement; "(4) provide services to assist in meeting the particular needs of physically and mentally impaired older individuals, including special transportation and escort services, homemaker, home health and shopping services, reader services, letter writing services, and other services designed to assist such individuals in leading more independent lives; " (5) meet the special needs of, and improve the delivery of services to, older individuals who are not receiving adequate services under other provisions of this Act, with emphasis on the needs of low-income, minority, Indian, and limited English-speaking individuals and the rural elderly; "(6) assist older individuals to remain within their communities and out of institutions and to maintain their independent living, in their own residences or in a family living arrangement, "(A) providing financial assistance for the establishment and operation of senior ambulatory care day ceYiters (providing a planned schedule of health, therapeutic, education, nutrition, recreational, rehabilitation, and social services at least 24 hours per week, transportation arrangements at low or no cost for participants to and from the center, a mid-day meal, outreach and public information programs, and opportunities for maximum participation of senior participants and senior volunteers in the planning and operation of the center); and "(B) maintaining or initiating arrangements (or providing reasonable assurances that such arrangements will be maintained or initiated) with any agency of the State involved which administers or supervises the administration of a State < plan approved under titles X IX and X X of the Social Security Act, and with other appropriate social services agencies receiving, or reimbursed through. Federal financial assistance, for the payment of all or a part of the center's costs in providing services to eligible individuals; "(7) meet the special needs of older individuals residing in rural areas; or "(8) develop or improve methods of coordinating all available social services for the homebound elderly, blind, and disabled by establishing demonstration projects in 10 States, in accordance with subsection (c). "(c)(1) The Commissioner shall consult with the Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration, the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, and the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, to develop procedures for— " (A) identifying elderly, blind, and disabled individuals who need social services;