Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/430

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1710


" (c) Not later than January 31, 1980, and each January 31 thereafter, the Secretary of Transportation shall submit to the Congress and the B o a r d recommendations with respect to the level of surveillance necessary to enforce a i r safety regulations and the level of staffing necessary to carry out such surveillance. The Secretary of Transportation's recommendations shall include proposals for any legislation needed to implement such recommendations. "REGULATIONS AND INSPECTION PROCEDURES

Review and report to congressional committees.

49 USC 1371.

" (d) Not later than July 1, 1979, the Secretary of Transportation shall complete a thorough review, and submit a report thereon to the appropriate authorizing committees of the Congress and to the Administrator, of the safety regulations and inspection procedures applicable to each class of air carriers subject to the provisions of title IV of this Act, in order to ensure that all classes of a i r carriers are providing the highest possible level of safe, reliable air transportation to all the communities served by those air carriers. Based on such review, the Administrator shall promulgate such safety regulations and establish such inspection procedures as the Administrator deems necessary to maintain the highest standard of safe, reliable air transportation in the United States. u REPORT O N A I R CARRIER M A R K E T I N G o r TOURS

49 USC 1308.



" SEC. 108. Not later than May 1, 1979, the B o a r d shall prepare and submit a report to the Congress which sets forth the recommendations of the Board on whether this Act and regulations of the Board should be amended to permit a i r carriers to sell tours directly to the public and to acquire control of persons authorized to sell tours to the public. The report shall evaluate the effects on the following groups of allowing air carriers to sell to u r s: " (1) The traveling public. " (2) The independent tour operator industry. " (3) The travel agent industry. " (4) The different classes of air carriers.", (b) That portion of the table of contents contained in the first section of such Act which appears under the center heading " TITLE I—GENEBAL PROVISIONS"

is amended by a d d i n g at the end thereof "Sec. 106. Report on subsidy cost-sharing. "Sec. 107. Safety study. "(a) Policy. r "(b) Report. "(c) Recommendations. "(d) Regulations and inspection procedure. "Sec. 108. Report on air carrier marketing of tours.". APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE

SEC. 6. Section 401(b) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1371 (b)) is amended— (1) by striking out " and shall be so verified"; and (2) by inserting ", and upon any community affected" immediately before the period.