Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/550

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1830


Copy, filing with ethics office.


Dissolution, notification and filing.

Public availability.

Copy, filing.

PUBLIC LAW 95-521—OCT. 26, 1978

(vii) the interested parties shall make no effort to obtain information with respect to the holdings of the trust, including obtaining a copy of any trust tax return filed or any information relating thereto except as otherwise provided in this subsection. (D) The proposed trust instrument and the proposed trustee is approved by the reporting individual's supervising ethics office. For purposes of this subsection "interested party" means a reporting individual, his spouse, and any dependent child if the reporting individual, his spouse, or dependent child has a beneficial interest in the principal or income of a qualified blind trust; "broker" has the meaning set forth in section 78 of title 15, United States Code; and "supervising ethics office" means the designated committee of the House of Representatives for those who file their reports required by this title with the Clerk and the designated committee of the Senate for those who file the reports required by this title with the Secretary. (4) An asset placed in a trust by an interested party shall be considered a financial interest of the reporting individual, for the purposes of section 208 of title 18, United States Code, and any other conflict of interest statutes or regulations of the Federal Government, until such time as the reporting individual is notified by the trustee that such asset has been disposed of, or has a value of less than $1,000. (5)(A) The reporting individual shall, within thirty days after a qualified blind trust is approved by his supervising ethics office, file with such office a copy of— (i) the executed trust instrument of such trust (other than those provisions which relate to the testamentary disposition of the trust assets), and (ii) a list of the assets which were transferred to such trust, including the category of value of each asset as determined under subsection (c)(1) of this section. (B) The reporting individual shall, within thirty days of transferring an asset (other than cash) to a previously established qualified blind trust, notify his supervising ethics office of the identity of each such asset and the category of value of each asset as determined under subsection (c)(1) of this section. (C) Within thirty days of the dissojution of a qualified blind trust, a reporting individual shall— (i) notify his supervising ethics office of such dissolution, and (ii) file with such office a copy of a list of the assets of the trust at the time of such dissolution and the category of value under subsection (c) of this subsection of each such asset. (D) Documents filed under subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of this paragraph and the lists provided by the trustee of assets placed in the trust by an interested party which have been sold shall be made available to the public in the same manner as a report is made available under section 104, and the provisions of that section shall apply. (E) A copy of each written communication with respect to the trust under paragraph (3)(C)(vi) shall be filed by the person initiating the communication with the reporting individual's supervising ethics office within five days of the date of the communication. (6)(A) A trustee of a qualified blind trust shall not knowingly or negligently (i) disclose any information to an interested party with respect to such trust that may not be disclosed under paragraph