Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/589

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-521—OCT. 26, 1978

92 STAT. 1869

receiving such additional information, apply to the division of the court for the appointment of a special prosecutor. "(d)(1) Any application under this chapter shall contain sufficient information to assist the division of the court to select a special prosecutor and to define that special prosecutor's prosecutorial jurisdiction. "(2) No application or any other documents, materials, or memorandums supplied to the division of the court under this chapter shall be revealed to any individual outside the division of the court or the Department of Justice without leave of the division of the court. "(e) The Attorney General may ask a special prosecutor to accept referral of a matter that relates to a matter within that special prosecutor's prosecutorial jurisdiction. "(f) The Attorney General's determination under subsection (c) of this section to apply to the division of the court for the appointment of a special prosecutor shall not be reviewable in any court. "§ 593. Duties of the division of the court "(a) The division of the court to which this chapter refers is the division established under seel ion 49 of this title. "(b) Upon receipt of an application under section 592(c) of this title, the division of the court shall appoint an appropriate special prosecutor and shall define that special prosecutor's prosecutorial jurisdiction, A special prosecu or's identity and prosecutorial jurisdiction shall be made public upon request of the Attorney General or upon a determination of the division of the court that disclosure of the identity and prosecutorial jurisdiction of such special prosecutor would be in the best interests of justice. In any event the identity and prosecutorial jurisdiction of such prosecutor shall be made public when any indictment is returned or any criminal information is filed. "(c) The division of the court, upon request of the Attorney General which may be incorporated in an application under this chapter, may expand the prosecutorial jurisdiction of an existing special prosecutor, and such expansion may be in lieu of the appointment of an additional special prosecutor. "(d) The division of the court may not appoint as a special prosecutor any person who holds or recently held any office of profit or trust under the United States. "(e) If a vacancy in office arises by reason of the resignation or death of a special prosecutor, the division of the court may appoint a special prosecutor to complete the work of the special prosecutor whose resignation or death caused the vacancy. If a vacancy in office arises by reason of the removal of a special prosecutor, the division of the court may appoint an acting special prosecutor to serve until any judicial review of such removal is completed. Upon the completion of such judicial review, the division of the court shall take appropriate action. "§ 594. Authority and duties of a special prosecutor " (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a special prosecutor appointed under this chapter shall have, with respect to all matters in such special prosecutor's prosecutorial jurisdiction established under this chapter, full power and independent authority to exercise all investigative and prosecutorial functions and powers of the Department of Justice, the Attorney General, and any other officer or employee of the Department of Justice, except that the Attorney General shall exercise direction or control as to those matters that

28 USC 593. Appointment,




' 28 USC 594.