Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/612

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1892

Ante, p. 1887.

PUBLIC LAW 95-523—OCT. 27, 1978 reduce and control inflation. To the extent it is reasonably possible to do so, private enterprise investments in depressed urban and rural areas should be promoted to reduce the high levels of unemployment that exist there. "(j) The Congress further declares that it is the purpose of the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 to rely principally on the private sector for expansion of economic activity and creation of new jobs for a growing labor force. Toward this end, it is the purpose of this Act to encourage the adoption of fiscal policies that would establish the share of the gross national product accounted for by Federal outlays at the lowest level consistent with national needs and priorities.". ECONOMIC REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT AND SHORT-TERM ECONOMIC GOALS AND POLICIES

15 USC 1022,

S E C 103. (a) The heading preceding section 3 and section 3(a) of the Employment Act of 1946 are amended to read as follows: "ECONOMIC REPORT OF THE



Transmittal to Congress and S***®8-



"SEC. 3. (a) The President shall transmit to the Congress during the first twenty days of each regular session, with copies transmitted to the Governor of each State and to other appropriate State and local officials, an economic report (hereinafter in this Act referred H to as the 'Economic Report') together with the annual report of the Council of Economic Advisers submitted in accord with section 11(c) of this Act, setting forth— "(1) the current and foreseeable trends in the levels of employment, unemployment, production, capital formation, real income, Federal budget outlays and receipts, productivity, international trade and payments, and prices, and a review and analysis of recent domestic and international developments affecting economic trends in the Nation; "(2)(A) annual numerical goals for employment and unemployment, production, real income, productivity, and prices for the calendar year in which the Economic Report is transmitted and for the following calendar year, designated as short-term goals, which shall be consistent with achieving as rapidly as feasible the goals of full employment and production, increased real income, balanced growth, fiscal policies that would establish the share of an expanding gross national product accounted for by Federal outlays at the lowest level consistent with national needs and priorities, a balanced Federal budget, adequate productivity growth, price stability, achievement of an improved trade balance, and proper attention to national priorities; and "(B) annual numerical goals as specified in subparagraph (A) for the three successive calendar years, designated as medium •,v;.-^ M'^\ term goals; "(3) employment objectives for certain significant subgroups of the labor force, including youth, women, minorities, handicapped persons, veterans, and middle-aged and older persons; and "(4) a program for carrying out the policy declared in secAnte, p. 1890. tion 2, together with such recommendations for legislation as the President may deem necessary or desirable.". ^